Chapter 10~ Sweeties

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«Wrong. Wrong. Bit right, mostly wrong.» The Doctor was walking around the museum.

«And that is why you should never bring the Doctor to museums. Bring me instead.» I softly nudged Amy, making her chuckle. Amy and I were following him. I took a look around: this place was simply huge! Filled with alien stuff and other things that I didn't have the time to observe because of this guy here.

«Hey! I love museums!» he protested.

«That's the problem!» I shouted back.

He rolled his eyes at me while I just smirked and returned to wondering around.

«That's great, can we go to a planet now? Big spaceship, Churchill's bunker, you promised me a planet next.» Amy sounded bored.

I was walking around when I noticed some kind of a box. I approached the glass and looked inside: there was something written on it but not in English or in any other language.

As I approached the writing became readable and I read "hello sweeties" on it. I blinked a few times, then narrowed my eyes to see if I daydreamed it, but nothing: the writing was still there.

«You've got a time machine, what do you need museums for?» Amy asked him.

«WRONG! Very wrong! Ooh, one of yours. Also one of yours. I want to be right about something and it's also how I keep score over who is most remembered. It's from one of the old star lines. It's a Home Box.» the Doctor answered.

«What's a home bo-?»

«Lizzie?» The Doctor cut off Amy.

I looked up at him finally taking my eyes off of the box. He was looking at me concern.

«I-I think I found it.» I told him, pointing a finger on the box accusingly.

«Ha! Brilliant!» He walked to me and kissed my forehead. I fixed my eyes on that box again.

«So what's a home box?» Amy repeated.

«It's like the black box on a plane, except it homes. Basically, if anything happens, it goes to the ships point of origin with the ship's flight information.» the Doctor explained.


«The writing is old, high Gallifreyen. The lost language of the Time Lords. There were many days that these words could burn stars.» he said. I stared at the box even more scared.

«What does it say?» Amy asked and I begged in my mind that what I read wasn't correct.

«Hello sweeties.»

Oh, Brilliant.


The alarm rang as we ran inside the TARDIS, the home box in the Doctor's hands. He then ran to the console.

I didn't talk: I stared in nothingness while I walked to the chair and collapsed on it.

How for the Gallifreyen's sake, I knew the lost language of Time Lords? I mean, it's not normal knowing the language of a burned planet of the alien I travel with.

«Why are we doing this?» Amy asked.

Because someone on a spaceship Twelve thousand years ago is trying to attract our attention, I thought but didn't say anything. I wasn't in mood for being clever.

«Because someone on a spaceship Twelve thousand years ago is trying to attract our attention. Let's see if we can get the security playback working.» the Doctor said, pushing some buttons.

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