Chapter 8~ Orphanage

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Hey guys.

Okay, so this chapter is going to be a bit sad and... Sad? I hope you'll like it anyway. And I wanted to say that I skipped the 'Beast below' cause I was too lazy to write it and I didn't have good ideas for it. So here is what happened after the Beasty-Beast and, well... Enjoy and have a nice day.


Elizabeth's pov:

We were done with our first adventure and I loved all of it. Except the fight Amy and the Doctor had... Luckily, I managed it and they are speaking to each other again. After that, I asked the Doctor to bring me to the orphanage 'cause I needed to take some stuff before continuing traveling.

It took me an hour or so to convince him because for him it was "waste of time".

«But you have a time machine!» was what I answered at that. Luckily Amy interjected and threatened to take his bow tie so he allowed me to. And here I was: at the doors of the orphanage. I stepped in and quickly walked through the corridors.

No one seemed to notice me, so I walked upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me. I took out a bag and started throwing things in there: clothes, my diary, some unfinished drawings... At last, I took Crystaline's old teddy bear, which the Master had given me. I looked at the old, fragile toy in my hands and I thought it would be right giving it to the Doctor since it's owner was the person he loved. But not now.

I carefully put it into my bag which I put it over my shoulders. I was about to leave when my eyes fell on the bedside table. The pocket watch was still there. I slowly approached it and opened it.

It was full of old drawings of the Doctor, but I moved them out of my way. And there it was, buried above the infinite stack of sheets. There was my old pocket watch.

I carefully took it out and cleaned it with my thumb.

"Because one day you'll have to open it. You'll feel when." The Masters voice sounded in my mind. I looked at it and a thought came into my mind. I slowly pushed the lock. It wasn't closed. I pushed it harder and was about to open the top when «ELIZABETH!»

Mrs. Caroline rushed in my room: she looked as if she just saw a ghost, all pale and stuff. I quickly hid the watch in my pocket and faked a smile. «Hello, Mrs. Caroline, I'm going out today so-»

«-Where the hell have you been for a year?!» Mrs. Caroline shouted at me.

Oh, no...


I sat in my room (which walls were still covered with drawings of the Doctor) on my bed with Mr. Hunter and Mrs. Caroline nearby: Benedict Hunter was the owner of the orphanage. Mrs. Caroline was still shouting at me while Mr. Hunter just looked at me from up and rarely nodded. I tried to avoid everyone's contact, staring down at my hands in my lap.

«Miss Smith.» I looked at Mr. Hunter who walked to me and glanced at me through his glasses. «Where have you been for a year?» he calmly questioned.

I lowered my eyes, breaking the eye contact: What was I supposed to say? That I travelled through time and space with a man who is over nine hundred years old? And that I left just a day ago?

Something made me feel he wouldn't believe me. I looked at his neck and noticed a bow tie. I smirked slightly, but then my smile faded because of the situation I was in. If only the Doctor could've known I was in trouble. I'm sure he would've helped, but unluckily, he didn't. So I needed to face the situation by myself. «I repeat my question, Miss Smith: Where have you been?»

I raised my eyes on him slowly. «Otherwise?»

«I will be obligate to call the police.»


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