Chapter 36~ Goodbye, Melody

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This chapter is dedicated to @ohitsthatrebel and @TheDoctorsJenny who commented on my story and read it all. Love you and thank you again reeeeeally much! I also want to thank all of you guys. Look at where we've gotten: To the last chapter. Yup, that is it. This is the final chapter of this book. But you don't have to worry: there is a sequel incoming! Now, my dears, prepare. Because, in this chapter, we're forever going to say good bye to Melody. 


The Doctor and Yana were working on either side of a large clear circuit board in the centre of the lab, but I could barely hear their words since Jack and I worked on the other console, on the other side of the room.

«When did it happen?» I asked Jack, working with some cables, the four of us trying to get the ship to work while Chantho and Martha went out somewhere I didn't really got where. I looked over at Jack, my fingers trying to untangle the cables. «I mean, the left behind thing. Did you travel with him and Rose for another while?»

He was trying to fix something on the controlling panel as he smiled a bit, sadly «Nah. It happened after you left. We ended up in a big ship and-»

«Ah! I don't wanna know.» I cut him off, looking back at the cables.

I felt his weirded gaze on me and sighed, looking back up at him «It's future to me. I don't want to know what will happen because I then will be able to influence the past, present and fu-.»

«Ah!» he cut me off, smiling a little as he rose a finger, just like I did one second ago. «I don't wanna heart it. It's too confusing anyway.»

I grinned at the cables in my hands «Wibboly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey.»

«God...» Jack breathed out, causing me to laugh.

He smiled at me a bit, nostalgic kind of smile, which brought me to ask him. «How have you been? I mean, after being, y'know...»

«Left behind?» he chuckled, but I could tell it was sad. «How do you think I've been? I waited for him to come back, to apologize, saying that he didn't do it on purpose, that he just forgot to come back and get me. That he didn't leave me on purpose... But, as days past, I began realizing that was exactly what happened.» he told me.

I looked at him sadly, pitifully. «I'm sorry, Jack. I really am. But the Doctor doesn't just leave people behind without saying a word. There has to be a reason why he left you.» I told him.

«Well, once you know it, let me know.» he replayed, returning to the console.

I let out a silent sight as I averted my gaze to the ground, my lips pursed as I thought. The Doctor's voice in the background caught my eye and I looked up at him. He was chatting with Yana, a happy grin on his face. His eyes were always sparkling in wonder and curiosity, just like they did in the dream I had. He never changed. That brought me to smile.

«How has he been?» I faintly asked Jack, my eyes still on the Time Lord.

He looked up too «Him?» he chuckle-snorted «Oh, I bet he did just fine. Traveling, running, fighting with Rose and Lizzie by his side...»

I nodded, not entirely comprising what he just said. But when his words sunk in, my eyes widened and I spun around to face him. «What did you just say?»

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