Chapter 17~ Rose

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Well, I didn't completely lie... From one point of view. Because from the other I lied completely. I didn't know my real name, so telling him I was Elizabeth would've been a lie.

'Melody' was the second name I chose. Elizabeth Melody Smith.

I looked in his eyes, trying to show I wasn't lying. I even raised my chin to show I was the dominant one. A so 'eleventh-ish' thing. Oh, he will get a slap on the face when I'll see him again.

The Doctor (9th) nodded, eyeing me. I still had the baseball cap on, square glasses and a leather jacket. I must've looked like some sort of a nerdy badass... How embarrassing. I tried not to show I was ashamed by my look.

«Do I know you?» he suddenly asked. My expression became confused and I relaxed.

«No... I don't think so. At least I don't.» I lied.

He shrugged.

«Did you want something?» I then asked. I didn't bothered to call him sir cause I didn't want to waste time. Ironic is it? I mean, because he's a Time Lord. D'you get it? Waste time, Time Lord? Okay, I'll stop...

«Yes, actually. D'you have plastic?» he asked.

I raised a brow in confusion. «Plastic?»

«Yes, plastic.» he said, then without permission, he stormed pass me and into the flat. I stood there shocked. Okay, I got all the grumpy-9th thing, but what is this rudeness?

I closed the door and followed him in the flat. He was looking through Molly's things.

I didn't say anything. I just leaned on the wall, crossing my arms on my chest.

He was looking through Molly's things and it took him a little while till he looked up at me.

«What?» I asked, my thick British accent sounding clear.

«You aren't going to ask me who I am?» he asked, slightly confused. I held back my amusement.

«I thought you told me. Em, Doctor, was it?» I asked with a slight smile.

«What about shoving me off the house?» he asked me.

I shrugged and shook my head no. «Nope.» I said popping the p.

«What about who I am?»

«I thought we talked about that.»

«No, I mean, -he stood up- people usually ask me what job do I do and what rights do I have to storm in their houses.» he said.

I bravely stepped ahead so our chests were nearly touching. Then looking into his eyes asked «Am I people? Do I even look like people?»

He thought about it. «Well, yeah.»

«Details.» I said waving a dismissive hand at him and walking back to the spot where I was standing before.

I decided, if I was going to play the game of the 'stupid companion', I would play it at maximum.

«But yeah, mind tell me who you are? It's just my friend lives here and I wouldn't want her to find you looking through her 'girls' stuff.» I said.

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