Chapter 18~ The fantastic couple

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Hey guys. How are you all? I am still sick. I hate being sick. But really, who doesn't? I mean, I know you get to stay home from school, but except for that? Anyway I still reeeeally wanna hear you guys. I don't even know how many people are reading my book and if I should continue it...

Speaking of it, I won't be able to do all the things I've planned in this book. There will probably be 4 books. But then it depends on what you guys think.

Please please please tell me if it's a good idea.

Now read. ;)


Lizzie's / Melody's pov: 

We burst out of the door just before the explosion. It caused the both of us to fall down on the cemented floor. My glasses flew off and I heard crack, meaning they probably broke. Who cares, I can see without them too.

The cap was still on my head and I adjusted it. I could hear pieces of the building falling, so I rolled over to lie on my back. The Doctor did the same, lying next to me. I shut my eyes.

Then suddenly started laughing. It first was a little laugh, which the Doctor soon joined, but it then transformed into an insane laugh. The both of us bent over in laugher on the floor and I even wiped a tear.

«Wasn't that just-»

«Fantastic?» I asked turning my face to face him.

He grinned. «Fantastic.» with that he got up on his feat, dusting his leather jacket.

«Now, come on, Melody. We have to see if our mission succeeded.» he said then took off. I sighed in annoyance, still lying on the floor.

I knew he wasn't all into gentleman manners but come on! I stood up, groaning slightly, then followed.

We proceeded down the street, the Doctor walking first and I following slightly behind. Really behind actually. He was way quicker than I was.

«Coming?» he shouted as turned to the corner.

«Trying!» I called back then groaned and took off running behind him. As I turned the corner I stopped. The Doctor was standing in front of the TARDIS, his arms folded on his chest.

He looked up at it and then back at me, grinning almost maniacally. «What'd you think?» he asked me.

You know that awkward moment when your future crush shows you his time machine that you saw in your dreams since you were 5, in which you then travelled with the future him and next to which he snagged you before leaving you and making you meet with the past him? I am not making comments.

I nodded at him raising my brow in appreciation. «It's a nice... Box.» I said, much to irritate him.

He pushed his body away from the TARDIS and looked at me, slightly offended «It's not just a box! It's a time machine!» he resonated.

I nodded slowly and sarcastically.
«Reeeally? Woow.» I said, trying to hide that big amount of sarcasm.

He instead didn't heart it «I know.» he said, grinning like a child looking at it proudly. This made me smile. Even though he was so different he was still the Doctor.

How cliché.

«Can I come in?» I asked, knowing how much he would be happy to hear someone doing compliments to his so loved Time Machine. He looked at me and his face lightening up.

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