Chapter 16~ A weird 'Later' and a strange 'Hello'

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Hellooooo humans. I am now enjoying much more writing this book than I did before... I guess it was just a boring start. So NEWS:

NEW CHARACTER INCOMING! I thought about it and came to the conclusion Elizabeth needed a friend. Please comment and tell me what you think of this.

Oh, and about the comments. I want to say the biggest Thank you in the world to the people that comment. You guys make my days. You are the only one who make me go on writing. I don't really care for votes but comments. Comments make me feel special that you read my book. Thank you guys. So much.

*Hugs everyone while sobbing in their hair*


General pov:

Amy entered the console room with Rory following behind. The two of them had tea together in the kitchen because the Doctor and Lizzie wouldn't join. She smiled at what she saw: the Doctor was pacing around the console, flipping switches and pushing buttons while Lizzie sat on it, a leg crossed on the other and holding an open book.

«"And yet, they were all exactly alike. Every one of them was chalky pale, the palest of all the students living in this sunless town. Paler than me, the albino. They all had very dark eyes despite the range in hair tones. They also had dark shadows under those eyes - purplish, bruiselike shadows. As if they were all suffering from a sleepless night, or almost done recovering from a broken nose. Though their noses, all their features, were straight, perfect, angular."» Lizzie read.

The Doctor, still walking around with his jacket on, scoffed and, since Lizzie completely ignored him, Amy figured out he was doing that often.

Amy walked to them «Hey! Whatcha guys doin'?» She asked them, Rory joining her by her side.

Lizzie closed the book then dropping it in her lap «Oh, nothing interesting. He was bored, I was bored, so I read him a pice of Twilight.»

The Doctor mumbled something under his nose similar to 'the most rubbishy thing I ever heard'.

«He didn't like it.» Lizzie informed, shaking her head a little.

«Well, I don't blame him. Neither do I after meeting them. They're not at all beautiful as Stephenie Meyer describes them.» Amy said, leading on the railings with Rory next to me.

«I can bet she never met a vampire. They are everything but beautiful.» Rory added.

«They are beautiful in a way actually.» Lizzie told them. Everyone stopped and stared at her, the Doctor popping his head out, confusion drawn on his face.

Lizzie threw a glance at everyone for then stop on the Doctor. «Don't tell me that you don't find their race fascinating?» she asked him.

The Doctor, rubbing his fingers on his thumbs, looked up in thoughts «Maybe a little...» he said glancing back at Lizzie.

She gave him a 'spill the beans' look.

«Okay fine, I do!» the Doctor said, making a fond grin spear across Lizzie's lips.

«That's what I thought.» she said, returning to look at Amy and Rory who were trying to contain a laugh.

«You two look like an old married couple sometimes.» Amy said. Lizzie rolled her eyes on her friend's remark.

They were interrupted by the Doctor who pushed down a lever.

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