05. 𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈

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Jungkook's Perspective [ PoV ]

I didn't thought that she looks like this when she smile, my brother is not like me, every girl choose me over him, but she choosed him.

"Don't I am handsome?", I asked to myself looking in the mirror.

She remind me of someone, i have to do something. I promised her to save every girl. Her giggles, her smile and even her voice and presence made me feel like that someone is with me.

"Every girl have a big crush on me except this Y/n.", I laughed at my own stupidity.

Fuck!! Why the hell I am still thinking about her? because she just slapped me or garbed my collar, she is the first who talked back with me.

Her giggles sound so sweet but why did she like my brother? Her and my brother's marriage date get fixed. Miss Y/n.

I walked inside the university, I came here for a special day, I didn't came usually because of my business work, I just take online classes.

It's my graduation day.

Girls were roaming around me, and girl who is just a slut to me, Soo-ah, I didn't noticed any girl here because I didn't came to university everyday.

Everyone called my name, and the students started to chant my name. It shows that how famous I am in my university.

"So, Mr.Jeon Jungkook, He became an successful business at the age of 20 years and now it's his 7th degree.", my teacher complimented.

"Thank You sir.", I took my degree, my teacher is giving compliments again and again. I didn't thought this.

I was walking in school campus when I saw y/n with my brother, but the next thing, I am staring at her. She garb her bags and start walking with Junghyun.

"Hm, y/n, stop walking with my brother or he will just do something.", I chuckles when a hard punch lean on my cheekbone.

I fallen on the ground as my guards was too hit him. It was Junghyun.

I stopped my guards and they stand silently lowing their head, I am still lying on the grass ground, smirking with a little scratch on my cheekbone which made me look more cute.

"Don't dare.", Junghyun said angrily grinding his teeths.

"Yeah, Junghyun take her with you, I am coming too.", I said and stood up.

"Guards, why are you all staring, just let's go and pack things to go India, my hyung is getting marry.", I said to my guards.

I stand up, fixed my clothes and whole smiling i sit in my car.

"Hey guys.", I waved to Junghyun and y/n who was siting on the waiting chair, I winked at y/n, she ignored me, I get my pass and went inside the business class and luckily my seat was behind Junghyun's seat.

"Save your wife if you can, I will get her.", I whispered which he heard clearly and looks back at me with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Hey, hyun, what happen?", she asked, as his sweet voice maybe melt his gaze and it became soft. It seems my brother love her so much. It's a good way to torture him.

We landed on the Indian airport, good it's beautiful but I still miss my beautiful garden, we all reached to the marriage home.

"Good day.", I lossen my tie, threw my bags on the bed and lay in my cosy bed. I thought to go on a walk outside from this place.

What will I do to attract her towards me? if feels a shame on me, I can't attract her like those other girls behave crazy to get me.

She is different and brave, ah, wae? wae? why I am thinking about her?

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