My Apology!💓

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Hey there, so I had a bit of a rough morning yesterday on my way to school. I took a little tumble down the stairs and ended up hurting my knee, back, and shoulders. It stings a bit, but I feel better after a good rest.

I've been a bit distracted lately because I've been really into a new story. I'll do my best to get some writing done today if the inspiration strikes. I hope you all understand where I'm coming from.

By the way, I recently started an Instagram account this year. I'd love for you to follow along and check out some new stories that I haven't shared on Wattpad.

 I'd love for you to follow along and check out some new stories that I haven't shared on Wattpad

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Feel free to take a look and stay tuned for the next part of the story. And I apologize for keeping you waiting!

- kookie ✨

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