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Althea heard her sisters bickering before seeing them. She felt the familiar tug of annoyance as she lay in her shared bedroom, staring up to the nothingness, pulling on a loose thread that hung loosely from the blanket. 

With a sigh, Althea pushed herself off the uncomfortable mattress and onto the cold floor, quickly slipping into her old slippers that she kept besides the bed, especially during winter. And this winter was the harshest, the cold breezes would come barrelling in during the night, blowing their front door open and inviting itself into the already depressing home, extinguishing any warmth that they were able to keep. 

It's still a surprise that neither of them has died yet, given into the cold that loomed over the small rusty house. 

Althea clenched her fists as she walked into the living room, her blue eyes scanning the scene in front of her, Feyre just got home it seemed. Elain was closing the front door stepping over Feyre's old worn out boots that seemed to be close to falling apart. Next to Nesta's shoes they looked like something you'd usually find in the trash. For a split second Althea felt anger, she pushed it down though. Unfortunately for her, Althea had to take on the role of a peacemaker since fights broke out commonly between Nesta and Feyre, and Elain usually sat quietly on the corner. 

And unfortunately for them, their father was as useless as one can be, since they lost their fortune and his leg got ruined.

The three siblings all looked at Althea as she looked down at the catch Feyre bought home, she blinked a couple of times surprised at the sheer size of it, wondering how she carried it home. Especially with all the snow. And once again she was consumed with guilt, the guilt she had whenever her twin sister would leave and go on hunts on her own. 

She joined her whenever she could, but both her and Feyre agreed never to leave Nesta and Elain on their own, ever since the youngest two came home with none of the chores done, as if Nesta wanted to prove a point. Althea also had made it her responsibility to sell some of the wood they'd cut or whatever they found that could be sold at town. 

But still, that was nothing compared to what Feyre had to endure.

"You're back." Althea concluded with a frown, glancing quickly at the window where the light was overtaken by darkness leaving nothing but a gloominess atmosphere which she hated. She despised the dark. "Where'd you find it." She asked ignoring the glare which was being thrown towards her and Feyre. 

"Where do you think I got it" Feyre answered, her voice hoarse and rough as if she hasn't had a sip of water all day. Althea knew what she meant anyways, she caught it near the wall. That's how Feyre usually answered whenever she went closer to the wall than usual, just so no one would worry.

Athea pursed her lips, looking at her sister with worry, but she didn't lecture, Althea didn't have the right. "You did a good job Feyre" was all she could muster.

"She did what she always does." Nesta muttered from next to the fireplace, her long and delicate fingers being warmed by the fire. "There's nothing spectacular about it." A sigh slipped out of their fathers lips but he said nothing, he couldn't especially to Nesta.

"Thank you Feyre." Althea spoke louder than before making sure that Nesta listened well, as well as every person in that room. "Thank you for bringing food to our table every night, and making sure that we don't die from starvation during this harsh winter."

Feyre smiled before squeezing Althea's shoulder. Even though they were the same age, twins, Althea always felt a huge weight of respect whenever she looked at her sister. She'd look at her sisters small but strong body, the same person who'd go hunting alone just for them to have a meal on the table. Who always tried to make her feel at ease even though it was hard. 

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