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Kind of realised that i wrote one part wrong, i literally forgot that Elain was the one who told them where Vassa was. If you see any change to the chapter before just ignore it. 


She couldn't sleep that night, instead she rummaged through the bag she carried when her and Nora first left the coven in search for the hair changing potion. After an hour or so she found it packed neatly in the wardrobe alongside her few pieces of clothes she actually liked. She looked down at it, her fingers twitching. Should she change her hair? It was his idea .

Althea groaned, placing her head in the palm of her hands. She was stupid. Why did she kiss him back knowing that she's still not over Benjamin? His death wasn't fair. He didn't deserve to die, she blinked away the tears that threatened to fall.

It was her fault he died. If only she didn't meet him that night. Her fingers curled around the glass bottle at that thought. Althea let out a shuddered breath before opening the cap of the glass bottle, downing the potion in one gulp. It tasted just as she expected, like pudgy paper left in water.

She found herself admiring her hair, not only did it change her hair into a dark brown, but it grew it out as well. Althea's lips tipped upwards, she always wanted long hair but due to their poverty she was never able to care for it the way most people do, so her hair became thin and short.

But now her hair was just as she wanted it to be. She played around with it for some time, pulling her hair into a braid she used to watch their hand maidens do whenever they did Elain's hair. After that Althea was dressed in her leathers and out in the dining room in less than 10 minutes. "Now I'm bored."

She sighed looking out into the terrains she was so used to seeing.

"Can't sleep?"  Althea jumped, startled by the sudden voice. Feyre smiled at her as she took a seat besides her welcoming the cold just as she did. "Got a haircut I see, almost didn't recognize you." She teased.

Althea forced herself to smile, the events of a few hours prior still fresh in her mind. "I have to blend in, go incognito."

Feyre studied her for a few more seconds, her blue eyes searching every crook and cranny of her face. Althea shifted uneasily in her seat, her lips pursed into a thin line. Feyre has always been able to see right through her, maybe she isn't as good of an actress as she thought.

"What's wrong?" There it is. "You look pale."

Althea frowned. "Maybe it's the hair. I feel fine."

Feyre gave her a pointed look. "Thea."

She sighed pulling her legs up to her chest yet she looked ahead. "Don't get mad."

Feyre raised a brow. "What did you do?"

"You didn't say you won't get angry." Althea tugged at the end of her hair and Feyre gave her a look and muttered a quick promise. "I kind of kissed, no he kissed? We both kissed?"

Feyre's eyes widened. "Who?" A look of horror crossed her face. "Don't tell me it's Lucien!" She hissed.

Althea blanched. "No!" She felt her cheeks heat up. "It was.." she looked around her before leaning in. "Azriel."

Feyre went silent for a second starring at Althea as if she was looking at a stranger before laughing out loud. "You?"

Althea felt offended. "Yeah, what's that meant to mean!"

"I just didn't think you were his type, you're a ray of sunshine compared to him."

Althea gave Feyre a look. "Really me? Sunshine? Next you're going to call me pinkie pie too."  Feyre snorted at that and gave her a look that said to continue. "Anyways we kissed, and then I kind of cried."

Nightfully ;AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now