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Althea felt empty. 

It's been a couple of months since Feyre has left and so much has changed in such a short amount of time. For one they got their fortune back, their father miraculously received sponsors who helped the Archerons out of their debts and helped their father with his job. It's a whole story which Althea didn't bother to remember. 

All this money yet she didn't seem satisfied. Maybe because her twin flame has been snuffed out. She wondered how Feyre was doing, over the wall. Yes, over the wall. Not at their aunts house, just like how everyone else was convinced. She didn't know what sort of magic was placed upon her family but it irked her, it irked her that Feyre may be in trouble and she couldn't do anything but sit still at her new manor. Waiting for the day that Feyre will return whenever that may be.

Nesta called her dramatic for acting the way she was before announcing that Althea would be taking classes, so she could learn how to be a proper lady. With a sigh Althea glanced over the books she was meant to be revising and the crochet that was spawned all over her desk not even half done. Mrs. Rouvier was going to have a field day with her. 

Althea was 18. She didn't need to be taught how to be a lady, she wanted to be taught something that could help provide a future for her. She remembered the day she bought up herself wanting to become a herbalist which made Nesta laugh and Elain shake her head. You're going to marry a rich man and you're going to live comfortably

A scowl slipped onto her face. She'd rather die first.

"It's just you and me i guess." She ran a finger through her cat's fur emitting a purr from the feline creature. 

"Get up." 

Althea didn't bother looking at the door to know it was Nesta, instead she glanced at her by the mirror besides her bed. Nesta sister stood there with her arms crossed, her blonde brown hair pulled into a tight bun, wearing a soft blue dress with gloved adjourning her long hands. She looked nothing like the Nesta from two months ago,  she seemed so much more confident like their returned money was all that was missing from her life. Her gloved fingers tapped against her forearm, waiting impatiently.

"What now?" Althea grumbled finally turning to look at her eldest sister. 

Nesta stepped aside allowing some maids to enter the room, they all bowed their head respectfully before continuing what Nesta sent them to do. One of the maids held a pastel pink dress in her hands, with matching pumps to match. Althea held back a groan, she couldn't get one night of peace to herself. 

"You'll be joining Elain and I at the Nolan Manor." She left no room for discussion, she gestured to the youngest maid who moved forward. "I understand you want no help from maids but tonight you must, Elain's future is in our hands." She directed the last sentence to the pink haired girl, one which she clenched her jaw on.

Just in case that their fortune will fail again, Nesta wanted to make sure that they're all married off whether it was for love or not.

So Althea bit her tongue and allowed the maid to dress her. She wore the pink dress that matched her hair, the white silk gloves and the pumps. And she allowed the maid to apply some make up to her pale skin, pulling back her hair into a complicated braid. 

Nesta who stood by and watched threw in some suggestions here and there before approaching at the end holding a dark silver necklace. Iron. "Wear this, the Nolan family will approve."

Althea wanted to throw a remark and say that it looked like she would be betrothed and not Elain, she wore it nonetheless, hating how the necklace clashed against the pastels. 

They met Elain downstairs who looked beautiful as always. Maybe the prettiest out of the four sisters, like a delicate flower. Nesta smiled at Elain, nodding at the light purple she wore probably the colour she chose. "You both look beautiful, if we're lucky we might find a groom for both of you." 

Althea made a face while Elain blushed. 

She was not going to find a groom, she'll mingle and look for a worthy man for Elain but not herself. 

The Nolan Manor was the biggest estate in town, they had 10 foot walls that circled their home, with iron spikes atop. Guards were stationed at the only gate in front of their never ending garden. Nesta had to hand the men a special invitation or they'd be turned away but with a grunt of approval they nodded their heads at the man opposite side before opening the gate rather slowly. The hall was already rather full, the room filled with rich bachelors and maidens who all danced together in the centre, the older couples watched on the sidelines gesturing to a couple once in a while. 

Althea hated these balls, parties etc, She hated the noisiness and the obvious coupes that were being played. Rich people used this to find possible marriage and that was what Nesta was aiming for. As long as Nesta didn't approach her with a suitor it was fine she guessed. She made her way away from her sisters and near the beverage table where she was given a drink. 

She was given a few stares but she shook it off, not really caring that the older women and other girls her age were staring. 

"You're attracting a lot of unwanted attention." A man mused besides her, biting back a groan she nodded her head not replying. That didn't seem to stop him as he continued speaking, taking a rather long sip from his wine, she watched him through the corner of her eyes. "Their beauty holds no candle towards yours."

Althea turned to face him, she was met with a pair of dark eyes, a small smirk plastered on his face. She gave him a thin smile. "Thank you, sir." Knowing she couldn't hold the smile anymore she turned away. 

She heard him chuckle. "You must be the famous Archeron, there's been a rumour that a girl with pink hair lived here in town." Althea turned to him, raising a suspicious brow at him, he ignored her and continued speaking. "She never joined her elder sisters at any other gatherings, yet she is here at our manor. It must mean that she finds this to her taste?"

She ignored the 'our manor' part and decided to speak to him. "No I was just dragged along today." Althea replied, she gestured around the hall. "It's my first so i shouldn't compare it to the others, it wouldn't be fair." With a shrug she took a sip from her drink emptying the last of it's contents.

A small smile slipped onto his face. "My name is Benjamin Nolan, you must be..."

Althea pursed her lips, placing her empty hand in his. He leaned forward and placed a small kiss on her knuckles, one Nesta saw from across the room. She nodded her head in satisfaction at Althea and she wanted to do nothing but pull her hand away. 

"Althea Archeron." She answered curtly. 

He smiled at her. "Althea Archeron, it a pleasure."

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