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It was dark outside when Althea finally woke up. Azriel was sitting in front of his makeshift desk, skimming papers intently, she blinked a couple of times pushing away the haziness that almost developed her whole but she still snuggled into the blankets that covered her. As if sensing her movements his eyes snapped onto hers and she offered him a slight smile. 
Don't get her wrong, she was still embarrassed about her little scene with him but she's trying to push those thoughts away. What happened, happened and what was it that fae's had? Mates? Yes, it was probably a one time thing, out there he had his mate waiting for him as did she. 

"How long was I asleep?" She asked pushing herself into an upwards position, she leaned back on her elbows. 

"It's been a few hours, maybe four." he replied, placing the papers down. "Don't be surprised, you used a portion of your abilities during the battle." 

Althea nodded carefully, and much to her surprise, the dark hair she came with faded leaving her light pink hair. How long did it last? Literally less than a day. Nora probably slipped something into her breakfast. "Where's everyone?" she asked yet another question. 

The fae male also stood from his seat offering her a hand. "They're probably ready to get going." She accepted his help, slipping her hand into his. He froze at the sight of her hands though his hazel eyes skimming over the scars. "How...?"

She felt the need to tell him, to reassure him that it didn't hurt, that it happened because she lost control of her powers due to her emotions and so she did. He listened carefully as if he was taking notes. "I learnt another way to control my abilities though, using emotions is too risky." Althea then froze in front of the tent folds as they were getting ready to leave. "And what happened last night, I, it wasn't you." she said and when he didn't interrupt she continued. "I just, remembered the night I was taken by Hybern, I'm sorry if i made you feel uncomfortab-"

Azriel stopped her rambling. "You could never make me feel uncomfortable, Althea." 

She felt her heart soar at those words and once again her stomach flipped with unfamiliar emotions. Althea looked at him a little longer, admired the way his hazel eyes seemed to flicker against the light in the tent. And she then decided he was the most beautiful man she had seen in her life. Dangerous but gorgeous nonetheless.
He didn't seem to think twice as he closed the distance between them like he did the night before but unlike the night before he seemed less urgent and much more gentle. She pushed back those memories of that night months ago, and fell into him completely, sliding her arms up his chest and around his neck pulling him closer if that was even possible. Her fingers played with his hair as his tongue explored her mouth. She pulled away for air, and just one look into his eyes which were clouded with darkness made heat blossom in her chest, it was all she needed to kiss him again. 

Her back hit the base of the desk as he kissed her with much more urgency than before, allowing his hand to travel from the base of her neck, down her breasts to her thigh which he looped his hand around pulling her closer to him. It was a couple seconds later when he kissed the base of her neck. "We should stop," he muttered placing another butterfly kiss on her collarbone "If we keep going, I might not be able to control myself."

Althea wanted to say that she didn't want him to stop, that she'd let him do whatever he wanted but thought against it. She thought that there were better options than in the middle of an encampment where illyrians were dying as they spoke. Well kissed.

"You're right." Althea muttered against his lips, pulling away from him before offering him one of her brightest smiles. "We should continue somewhere else." she joked making him growl slightly. 

Azriel ran his hand down her hair and cupped the back of the neck. "Don't give me ideas, I won't be able to concentrate." 

He placed a final kiss on her temple before stepping back almost ruefully. She smiled at his back as she fought back a blush on that last sentence of his, she sat across from him. Just watching in curiosity as he skimmed the papers that a shadow floated over to him. Althea liked how hismuscles flexed when he moved, then she berated herself. Why was she acting the way she was acting, specifically around him. 
"Have you heard of mates, Althea?" he asked randomly after a while as she looked up at the roof of the tent, laying on her back. The dark sky was slowly making its way, the stars begging to be let through and be seen.

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