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The others arrived late.

It was over an hour of gossip shared between Morrigan and Vivienne which made time run faster. She must admit, of how romantic the story between the two mates were, childhood friends who were fated to each other. Althea couldn't help the giddy feeling that built in her chest on behalf of Vivienne whenever she gushed about her mate. The three other highlords kept throwing curious looks over to Nesta and her and she had to hold back a retort at the uncomfortably that followed but the glares from Nora held her back. 

"Tarquin is here." Thesan announced after a while and like always Althea found herself staring at his wings which reminded her of a bird. How would he react if she were to walk up and touch it? Her lips twitched at the thought, she was certain that he would obliterate her on the spot, unless of course he was one of the nicer high lords, which amount to the same thing basically. 

An uncomfortable silence spread throughout the room.

"Heard about the blood rubies." Helion smirked at Rhysand, toying with the golden cuff on his bicep. "That is a story I want you to tell."

"All in due time." he answered back smoothly.

Tarquin the high lord of the summer court filed into the room, a woman and a man flanking him on either side. She didn't have the pleasure of seeing him during the battle and it seemed like she wouldn't in general as he and his two companions walked past the night court as if they weren't there. He apologised to the other high lords about his tardiness and lateness before he took a seat across from them. And from the corner of her eye she saw an attendant approach Thesan, whispering into his ear that Beron, who ever that is, and all his sons had arrived. 

And at both Feyre's and Morrigan's pale faces she assumed they didn't like them. She watched with interest as the highlord of what she connected was autumn entered the room, a woman who looked like a copy of Lucien flanked his side, while all their sons flanked behind them. Her eyes scanned the room as if she was looking for her missing son and when she couldn't find him her eyes cast down as if in disappointment. Beron himself didn't bother looking over at them but to the high lords that were sat closely to each other his sons though bared their teeth at them. 

A step behind his father, one of the sons murmured, "Enough," and all three other males stopped their barring instantly. 

"It's no surprise that you're tardy, given that your own sons were too slow to catch my mate. I suppose it runs in the family." Rhysand said hello, basically.

Beron's lips curled slightly as he looked to Feyre to her crown. "Mate—and High Lady." 

Feyre just looked at the high lord in boredom turning it to the son who hushed his other brothers a few seconds before. The long haired man who looked like Lucien offered her a mocking smile before turning to Morrigan while doing the same. Cassian and Azriel watched his every move like hawks and even from besides her Azriel was so still she wasn't sure if he was breathing. It wasn't until she felt him breathe she was able to relax. 
Don't ask her how she felt him breathe, it was weird even to her, she mentally noted it, reminding herself to ask Nora about it as soon as she can. 

She counted six high lords, it seemed that Tamlin had chosen his side. It didn't surprise her one bit. The high lord of the autumn court settled in his seat, fixing his fancy attire as he did. "Rhysand, you have called this meeting. Pushed us to gather sooner than we intended. Now would be the time to explain what is so urgent." 

Althea felt smart. 

Rhysand blinked—slowly. "Surely the invading armies landing on our shores explain enough."

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