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They were all in a bad mood, with quick and quiet goodbyes the faes parted ways leaving to wherever they live. Althea waited for them to be out of ear shot so she could start trash talking the queens to her two oldest sisters who didn't try to stop her and instead casually threw in their own insults.

Althea couldn't comprehend how they had such queens overlooking them, she was certain it wasn't that hard to run a kingdom. Be fair, kind, have order and defend. But those ladies definitely didn't have any of those attributes. She rolled her shoulders back, she felt stiff. She stood there with a straight back for so long and for no reason. They could've just sent a letter saying that they weren't going to help. 

She felt bad for Feyre the most though. Her sister was continuously being walked over and she showed so much self restraint. Althea's eyes wandered across her trashed room which she destroyed getting ready. Even though she had everything sprawled against the bed ready the night before Althea managed to cause havoc to her once spotless room. And now she had to clean it. 

Maybe she should just sleep on the clothes? It's like extra pillows. She looked down at her cat, Evie, who was curled in a ball sleeping on a pile of clothes. Yes that seemed like a great idea. With that lovely thought she threw herself onto her bed without a second to spare instantly inviting the darkness. 

"You slept all day yesterday." Elain muttered in worry, taking a small sip from her tea. 

Althea blinked a couple of times before shrugging. She in fact did sleep all day yesterday yet she still woke up tired today. She could never win. It's like she's cursed. Althea blamed her ungodly luck. 

"Should've slept longer actually, I'm still so tired." Her eyes slipped to the clock that was hung above the fireplace in the dining room, she just woke up, It was 11 a.m so she woke up just in time for brunch and her sisters didn't even check to see if she was alive. 

Nesta was reading through the newspaper, her eyebrows furrowed and lips in a tight line. She was still furious, Althea was able to recognise that much but still, she'd rather not mention yesterday. Instead the pink haired girl looked over the eldest sister's shoulder her eyes scanning over the writing. 

"Did dad send anything?" 

It was something Althea found quite endearing, after her father's business surged again and whenever he left home for a long time, their father would send a message through the newspaper, either a small poem intertwined with news from his merchant business or a small puzzle they have to solve within the small paragraph. 

He would do anything to speak with them, he was trying to make amends. Althea let him. 

Nesta shook her head. No. "Do you have any plans today?" 

Althea flattened her dress. "Yes, I have a small outing with Nolan."

Nesta's smile was small but obvious and Althea couldn't help but realise how much younger she looked. "Well you have fun with that."

"When are you going to give me that pink bracelet?"

Benjamin shrugged although a wide grin was plastered on his face. "I thought you didn't need it?" 

She gave him a long look, mirroring his actions and shrugging. "I bought a dress i think it'll match with it."

"Yeah sure." He wasn't convinced and she didn't blame him. In fact Althea didn't have a dress that matched with it, she just was curious on why he didn't give her the pretty bracelet yet, why he pocketed it when he bought it instead of romantically slipping the bracelet onto her wrist like in most romance novels.

Her eyes once again found themselves searching his face, wandering from his eyes, to his jaw and to his lips. Althea did find him attractive, she would catch herself staring at him at times which he seemed to love. 

She's continuously building his ego while hurting her own. 

Althea led him to the book store where she picked up her order which she placed last week. It was quite a lot of books so she was getting some looks thrown her way. But she didn't mind it. 

"Why did you get a book about Prythian?" He lifted one of the books as they sat on the bench munching on some snacks they bought. 

She tried not to look suspicious. "I find it interesting...plus my father said something is stirring over the wall, I like to be prepared."

Althea knew that she was a bad liar, ever since she was young when her and Feyre did something wrong, Feyre would be the one to lie their way to safety while she just stood besides her nodding at whatever she said even if it was completely false. She would've loved to think that she's now grown out of that phase and instead can lie like a pro but what can she say. 

Some people have the ability while others don't. 

He didn't question her and said something about him protecting her in their manor if the worst comes to light. She didn't have the heart to tell him that his manor is nothing compared to the ability the fae have

They ended their little outing with dinner and he took her home without a word. "Would you like me to help you with the books?" He asked from her doorway. 

She smiled softly, prying the last book from his hand placing it on the stack she was holding. Maybe this was why her back was always stiff. "No, I'll manage, Good night Benjamin."

His brown eyes glinted slightly. "good night Althea, sweet dreams."

That night she dreamt she was in an unfamiliar room. 

But it wasn't what she expected a dream to feel like, she felt the warmth that emitted from the fireplace, she smelt the burning of woods and the faint smell of musk. She was sitting on the edge of the bed yet she could feel the softness of the blankets, sprawled at her feet were some daggers, and there were some books stacked in the corners of the room in a tall tower. The room was untidy yet it was organised .Her eyes slipped from one corner at a time until her eyes landed on someone familiar, she felt the insides of her stomach churn as she took him in. 

Azriel was unbuttoning his shirt as he looked over some documents on his desk, his jaw was clenched as if he read something he didn't like. And as if the shadows sensed his emotions they churned at his feet spreading like a flash flood. 

He grunted, muttering to his shadows to relax, rolling his eyes in annoyance, which they did adamantly. She was holding her breath as he walked towards his bed slipping off his shirt easily, her eyes slipped over his bare chest. Mother above, what was she dreaming about? She felt herself heat up as she took in his scars and the tattoos that slipped up to his neck.

He was attractive she'd give him that much. She blinked as he stopped at the edge of the bed, standing over her and she couldn't help but think..... 

Yeah let's not go there.  

Just as he was getting into bed her vision shook and suddenly she was sitting at the edge of a cliff atop a cold rock, over watching the waves relentlessly smashing against the rocks down below. And unlike the cosiness that she felt in Azriel's room she felt cold. The wind was sharp and piercing, every breath of wind was like a slap to the face. And she watched with fear and amazement as lightning painted the sky in colours of blue, silver and pink.  And just like in the comfort in Azriel's room she couldn't bring herself to move, all she could do was watch as the thunder approached her hauntingly.

Althea looked up as thunder finally struck her and she basked in it.

In the light and in the pain.


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