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Feyre had disappeared at the market after pushing twenty coppers into the palms of Elain and claimed that she would be seeing us at home. Althea tried not to be offended as her sister walked off into the barn, just like how Nesta said she was doing. 

Can't believe her sister abandoned her for a man

Althea went home early claiming that she didn't need to buy anything from the markets which Nesta shrugged and said a simple 'your loss' before her and Elain stalked off somewhere else. Once again she tried not to take offence as her other two sisters abandoned her letting her go home alone. 

That's when she decided to cook dinner. Venison, again. Her family happily gulped it down and later they were all surrounding the fireplace, Elain and Nesta giggling between themselves while Althea tried to pry some details from Feyre which the latter refused to give. Feyre seemed to be in a good mood, probably because Nesta went out and chopped wood without her needing to say a word. 

It was a good night, better than usual. 

That was until the front door blasted open and a deafening roar rang throughout the house. Althea felt the breeze of cold hair hit the back of her neck and she watched the fireplace lose its lights, leaving nothing but the wisp of smoke and darkness to join.

Standing in the door way was none other than a beast, bigger than what Althea has ever set eyes on. Her fingers trembled as she gripped Feyre's hand refusing to let go. The snow slipped into their home once the beast entered their once safe haven. It's golden fur gleamed against the moon light, their only source of light. "MURDERERS!" The beast, no faerie roared making her sisters shriek once again making Feyre jump into action, she somehow ended up in front of the three, her chin raised high.

It was a faerie, an actual faerie. Those rubbish wards their father bought were good for nothing, it didn't work and now the five of them were about to become fae-food. 

When the five of us didn't answer the beast staunched closer. "MURDERERS!" 

Their father fell onto his knees, somehow ending up before them. "P-please, we did wrong we did it unknowingly-"

"W-we didn't kill anyone." Nesta stuttered, it was the first time that Althea saw her sister in such a state and she felt her heart shatter. 

"Get out." Feyre snapped brandishing her knives in front of her, they had no iron. They didn't have enough money to buy any. "Get. Out." Her voice was more calm and collected, but Althea knew differently; Feyre was scared, maybe more than they were.

With another roar in response the entire cottage shook, their only plates and cups they had shattered onto the floor, cracks appeared around the walls as if it's roar would be enough to take the whole house down. 

Feyre, her dear stupidly brave sister threw one of her daggers at him but it was so fast the beast was too fast, in a second it had his paw up slapping away the weapon as if it was nothing but a fly.

"Who killed him!" it demanded once more.

Feyre took a challenging step forward, it snapped Althea out of her shock. She lunged forward grabbing onto her sister's wrist trying to haul her back, her body shook, she was afraid, she felt the room spinning. If only she was as brave as Feyre, maybe she could've fought besides her. Maybe if the beast saw them together it'll leave them alone. Feyre gave her twin sister a small soft smile, softly prying her fingers away from her wrist. 

"Feyre no." was all she managed. 

She ignored her sister's pleas and instead turned to the beast. "Killed who?"

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