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She somehow convinced the fae male faes to allow her to venture the streets to the house of wind which they eventually had to fly up to. Still, she allowed herself to walk through the markets looking at various stalls and restaurants, the kids who ran through the markets with matching grins. It felt somewhat relaxing, no one was judging each other, they seemed to live in peace. 

There were a few times where Azriel had to guide her in the right direction because she decided to take the lead as if she had any idea where she was going but it didn't ruin her vibe, she let him nudge her in the right direction.

"Lucien keeps asking for his mate, which is Elain." Althea started off the conversation, kicking a pebble away from her foot. "That's like soulmates right?"

Azriel nodded his head. "Yes, every fae has one."

"Who's your mate?" She asked again as they finally entered through the balcony, she took in the house where her sisters were abiding in. 

He hesitated. "I don't know, haven't met her yet."

Althea pursed her lip, noticing how uncomfortable he was. "Where are they?" She asked Azriel changing the subject.

Azriel gestured for her to follow which she did instantly. She watched as his muscles flexed under his shirt with each step he took, was he always this tall? As if he felt her staring he turned around, she felt her cheeks heat up and she looked away.


She stopped mid walk, recognising that voice almost instantly. Althea felt her eyes tear slightly as she took in Nesta. Nesta stalked over to her, her strides long and elegant, her eyes wandered over her for a few seconds before she was pulled into a tight hug and as surprised as she was, Althea hugged her back. Oddly feeling like a child again in her sisters arms. She couldn't remember the last time Nesta had hugged her.  

"Where have you been?" Nesta asked against her shoulder. 

Althea smiled ruefully. "I'll explain soon." She didn't even know if she was allowed to speak of the witch hideout. "Where's Elain?" 

Nesta pulled away hesitantly. "She's in her room." She answered, her cold blue eyes slipped over to Azriel yet she noticed no hostility in them.

She couldn't help but feel sorry Lucien, once he finally makes it to the house of wind, there was another obstacle waiting for him. Nesta. Nesta was most protective over Elain, he was sure as hell not getting near her. 

"Well, take me to her." She nudged Nesta trying to catch her attention again. 

"There's something you need to know, she hasn't been the same since that day." 

She tensed, Nesta looked as if she was going to break something if she spoke even more.

"The cauldron did something to her." Azriel muttered from behind her continuing for Nesta, she felt a cool shiver run up her back at that sentence. "It gave her a harsh ability, she doesn't really come out of her room as much."

She wondered what ability it was. She wondered if Nesta had a gift as well. 

It felt like hours when she finally reached Elain's door. Elain's bedroom door was closed shut yet she could hear her hum a tune inside, a soft melodic tune which already made her tear up. Althea felt her heart sink, what was she doing  while her sister was suffering here?

She pushed through her bedroom door, Nesta waiting outside. Elain was sitting by her window staring down at the bustling streets, she didn't even flinch as the bedroom door shut firmly behind her. 


Althea walked up to her older sister as quietly as she could. She lifted her hand but dropped it to her sides instantly, Althea didn't want to scare her.

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