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Azriel watched as Althea swayed lazily on her feet as they waited on the roof top. He couldn't put his finger on it but there was something different about her, she seemed so much more confident to him.

It suited her.

Before she asked to tag along to the house of wind, he was ready to tell some lie to get out of carrying Vanserra again, instead he found himself standing in the sun just staring at her. He felt like a creep but he had no idea how he was going to tell her that they were mates, all he could do was wait, even if it took years.

"Are you going to carry me again?"

He blinked, not expecting her to speak. Her eyes were a bright blue, mirroring the afternoon sky behind her, Azriel found it hard to look away.

He cleared his throat. "Whenever you're ready, Althea."

She regarded him a little longer before a small smile slipped onto her face. "Then let's go."

Azriel took the last step towards her, wrapping one arm around her waist and the other underneath her knees holstering her up. A small yelp escaped her lips and he had to fight back an amused expression. Without a second thought he extended his wings and pushed himself upwards, shooting up in the air instantly. He tried to fight away the urge to glance at her again, especially as her fingers curled around the hem of his neckline, pulling down the fabric showing some of his skin.

But from the corner of his eye he was able to catch the gleam in her eyes as she watched the world under them. And once they landed, the earth welcoming them back onto the ground he felt disappointed, if only the house of wind was further away.

"Thank you." She hummed as he lowered her onto the ground. His hand lingered on her waist for a few more seconds and something he couldn't place flashed across her face. He took a step back, giving her some space.

Althea watched as he took a step back, his face once again stone cold. She hated that, she liked the carefree look he had when he was flying. He seemed relaxed, much more approachable, she caught herself staring for a second until she stopped herself, again. Though it was too late, she scared him away.

But what can she say, she's a sucker for pretty faces.

Azriel cleared his throat throwing Althea one last look. "I have some things to do." Was all she said before he disappeared into the shadows, her brows raised impressed.

Feyre and Althea walked up to the rooms with their arms linked. The first acting like Althea was going to magically disappear again. She didn't mind it, Feyre seemed iffy, like she didn't know if she should enter their elder sisters living quarters.

When they walked in the room, Nesta was curled up in an armchair, a book lain on her lap, when she heard them approaching she stood up from her position straight backed. Cold.

Althea was disappointed to say the least, she wanted Feyre and Nesta to embrace each other in a tight hug. To tell each other that they'd change for the better. And they'll live in rainbows and unicorns for the rest of their lives. It seemed like a good reaction to her.

"You're back." She said.

Althea tried to smile through the awkwardness. "Isn't that great!" She said brightly ignoring the look the others threw at her. "We're all back together!"

Cassian and Rhysand were silent. Nesta gave Althea a look, be quiet she seemed to say.  "What do you want?" She snapped at Cassian.

Feyre didn't smile. "At least immortality hasn't changed some things about you."

Nesta's look was anything but happy. "Is there a purpose of this visit or may I return to my book."

Cassian stalked over to Nesta picking up the novel that was thrown besides her. "I wouldn't have pegged you for a romance reader."

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