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Althea recognised his voice, it was one she wasn't really fond of yet she didn't have it in her to be unkind to him, from what she remembered he also did try to help them against Hybern yet he wasn't strong enough. And he was possibly going to be her brother-in-law, and she wasn't one to start conflicts. She turned to Lucien offering a smile of a sort yet she was certain it came out as a grimace, one he picked up on instantly.

He sighed. "You don't have to act welcoming." he ran his hand through his hand. "Yet you're the only person in this house i could speak to."

Althea took a seat in an armchair close to the balcony, in case she had to jump off, she was joking of course but it was always an option. "How are you feeling?" She asked after a few moments of silence, after he took a seat across from her staring out into the distance, appreciating the view such as she had. He didn't answer yet she saw his fingers twitch uncomfortably.

"How is she? Really" Lucien asked ignoring her question.

Althea looked at him from the corner of her eye. "Not good." she deadpanned, her fingers curling around her armrest, thinking about her elder sister sent chills down her spine, seeing her be nothing but a shell, a void of what she used to be. "She isn't doing too well. Whatever happened to her in the cauldron it affected her." 

He sighed in defeat. "Do you think it was wrong of me to come?" 

Althea blinked in surprise. What did she think about him coming with her? She definitely didn't think it was the brightest idea yet she felt no hostility against him. He came with good intentions nothing else. She gave him a real smile this time. "No it wasn't wrong but maybe next time send a letter beforehand." she joked. 

She found herself with Nora out in the training yard a few hours later, the sun was setting and dinner was being made by the lovely wraiths she had the pleasure of meeting. She had her hair up in a ponytail and she wore some random clothes she found packed neatly in her closet, all her size. Althea hoped that Nora forgot about her torture sessions, sorry training, but unfortunately she was dragged out of the comfort of her room into the yard that she snooped around the hour before. Nesta sat on one of the chairs at one side of the yard and on the other Lucien. 

"The crowd isn't as big as usual." Nora laughed.

"Ha ha, never knew you were a part time comedian." She drawled before pouting. "Tell them to look away it's going to hurt my ego."

Nora snorted before she got into position, Althea felt her ego deflate instantly, she was going to get plummeted instantly in front of her sister and Lucien. She sighed also lifting up both her long daggers, something she decided she liked, they were light and easy on her wrist. And as she thought she was thrown into the dirt five minutes after they started. She saw Nesta wince and she groaned inwardly. 

They stayed fighting for another hour until they were called in for dinner, Althea grumbled as she followed the other three inside, much to her surprise most of the inner circle were already sitting on the table talking amongst each other. 

Althea felt her ego turn into a kite before being blown away into the wind. Great. Just wonderful. Feyre gaped at her. "What happened to you?"

"I fell," she grumbled. "like ten times." Althea added as an after thought. 

Nesta and Nora snickered beside her and she shot them a glare while Lucien awkwardly made his way to the opposite end of the table furthest away from the night court fae. It wasn't as if she was muddy or dirty, it was just that she fell into a bush, like multiple times so she had twigs anf leave hanging from her hair. She looked like mother nature. Althea took a seat beside Armen and across from Morrigan. Who seemed to look at her in a way that made her uncomfortable. She ignored her and gave the silver eyes woman a smile. Something twinkled in her eyes but she ignored it. Her eyes searched the table for one more person yet she couldn't find him, Azriel was probably still busy.

Once everyone was seated, the feast began. The inner circle was extremely close, they joked and laughed loudly, they seemed like a big happy family. Yet she felt uncomfortable once again, she looked over to Nesta and Lucien who picked at their food and at Nora who somehow disappeared from besides her, she felt left out. 

Althea picked at her food before she thought of a great idea, Elain probably hasn't eaten. A smile slipped onto her face and she grabbed another plate before putting whatever on it. Nesta seemed to understand what she was doing and poured juice into a glass cup. 

No one noticed they left and she was thankful for that. They found themselves knocking and walking into Elain's room a few seconds later. The girl was still sitting by the window, staring into who knows what. 

Althea plastered a smile on her face "Elain! We got you some food." 

Elain smiled at them and the three of them sat on the floor of her bed. Althea and nesta watched intently as Elain stabbed a potato with her fork before slowly chewing. "It isn't as good as your cooking of course." Nesta said trying to spark conversation. 

She laughed sweetly. "I was horrible at cooking."

Althea shook her head in disagreement. "You made my favourite blueberry pie, i refused to eat it if it was made by anyone else remember?"

Elain had a faraway look in her eyes, she hummed in longing. "Do you think we'd be able to go back?"

Althea thought of what was back home at their manor. Her bedroom was probably trashed, covered in blood, he died there. They believe the Althea killed him, they were not wanted back there. She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. She forced a smile. "Maybe, when this war is won." She then thought of the witches village, Elain would love it there, it was peaceful. Perfect for someone as delicate as her. "Maybe when its over I can take you to visit the witches coven." 

Elain reached out and clasped her skinny hand over hers. "That would be lovely." 

And Althea knew instantly that she already foresaw it happening, and a smile slipped onto her face a genuine one. They would be okay, they had to.

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