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She got her ass kicked again. 

It's been over a week yet she couldn't manage to hold herself against Nora in a one on one fight for more than four minutes. Althea has gotten better but it still wasn't enough. The fire witch tried cheering her up claiming that she was quite a fast learner but it was probably an attempt to make her feel better since her book still hasn't unlocked itself. Meaning she couldn't access her powers.

Nothing was going right apart from the fact that she was self proclaimed one of the best herbalists this village has. Althea couldn't help but brag, her years of studying and months of working in Amara's store came in handy. 

But still, she wants that damned book to open at least for a second so she could take a peek.

She was covered with mud, since much to her dismay it was raining but that didn't stop Nora from breaking into her room and hauling her out of bed at dusk with Althea still being half asleep to take her training. Nora didn't bother the other new witches this much and Althea believes it's due to the fact of what she told the three women about the cauldron when she first arrived.

If Althea was being honest, she believes that every woman in this village has to learn how to defend themselves. 

She refuses to be the only one suffering everyday. Althea has become a spectacle that many people enjoy their lunches watching her get plummeted into the ground every morning till noon. And bets. They place bets on her. She can't wait for the day when she wins against Nora in a fight. 

Althea blew a loose strand of hair away from her face and stomped into the kitchens. Food, that's what she wanted. And not just any food, potatoes. Fried with spices sprinkled on top. She was quite aware of the splattering sounds her boots made and the trail she made since leaving the training field yet that seemed like a problem for future her. 

"You look like you got dragged through the dirt."

Althea glared up at Wren. "It's cause I was."

She smiled amusedly and just as she lifted a hand to pat her head she dropped it just as fast, thinking better against it seeing as her hair wasn't spared either. "It'll get easier, I promise."She pushed the plate towards her. "After this I suggest showering."

Althea grunted in agreement, the thought of showering in the hotsprings sounding more like a blissful dream. "Say, do you have more of that muscle cream? I ran out."

An hour or so later Althea found herself sitting at the desk in the small bedroom once again facing the light blue book. That was her routine for the past couple weeks, suffer with Nora from six am to noon, have a nice couple hour break, then suffer in silence in her bedroom with a book that refuses to acknowledge her. With a side of her begging the book to open. 

Apparently according to Nora anyways, most books don't have any spells written inside (she was bummed out not going to lie) the books are just there to help unlock powers over one of the five elements. So training seemed to be useless to her until she found out what element she has.

She cracked her knuckles. 

"Let's try this again." She patted her book softly. "Please open! I'm getting impatient!" she whined. Nothing.  Althea was frustrated, the other witches got their books to open but her seems to have some sort of grudge against her. "Is it because I'm part fae?" 

She clenched her jaw, and the next thing she caught herself doing was picking up the book and throwing it across the room. She watched the book hit the wall and fall with a thud. Althea threw one last glare at the book and plopped onto the bed. 

Why did she feel guilty? Althea scowled at her good natured heart as she went over to pick up the book. She found herself sitting at the desk again. "Skyling and Airborne" She said the name for the first time out loud. 

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