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Althea felt a shiver run down her back as a deafening silence slipped through the room. It seemed the three others were positioned as observers while the eldest and the golden-haired oneled the charge. 

"The humans in this territory seem unaware of the largerthreat. We've seen no signs of preparation."  Feyre pushed. 

"This territory," the golden one explained coolly, "is a slip of land compared to the vastness of thecontinent. It is not in our interests to defend it. It would be a waste of resources." 

She felt as if she was slapped across the face, maybe that was the vibe she felt, they didn't care for this meeting, for the towns people, for the war. Althea had to bite back some words that could possibly get her executed, she stood to the side in silence unable to fight back a frown. 

 Rhysand drawled, "Surely the loss of even one innocent life would be abhorrent." 

The eldest queen folded her withered hands in her lap. "Yes. To lose one life is always a horror.But war is war. If we must sacrifice this tiny territory to save the majority, then we shall do it."

Althea had to scoff, she looked at her elder sisters, the way they were deathly pale. This house that they stood in, might very well be turned to rubble in the upcoming months. Them, the people in this town, dead. 

"There are good people here." Feyre rasped. 

The golden queen didn't even blink as she responded. "Then let the high fae of Prythian to deal with it."

Silence once again consumed them and Althea felt defeated, they were stubborn people with power, they were not going to help them. 

"We have servants here. With families. There arechildren in these lands. And you mean to leave us all in the hands of the Fae?" Nesta. 

Althea snapped her head towards her in shock. 

The eldest one's face softened. "It is no easy choice, girl—" 

"It is the choice of cowards," Nesta snapped.

Feyre interrupted before Nesta could dig them a deeper grave. "For all that your kind hate ours ... You'dleave the Fae to defend your people?" 

"Shouldn't they?" the golden one asked, sending that cascade of curls sliding over a shoulder asshe angled her head to the side. "Shouldn't they defend against a threat of their own making?" A snort."Should Fae blood not be spilled for their crimes over the years?" 

"Neither side is innocent," Rhys countered calmly. "But we might protect those who are.Together." 

"Oh?" said the eldest, her wrinkles seeming to harden, deepen. "The High Lord of the Night Courtasks us to join with him, save lives with him. To fight for peace. And what of the lives you have takenduring your long, hideous existence? What of the High Lord who walks with darkness in his wake,and shatters minds as he sees fit?" A crow's laugh. "We have heard of you, even on the continent,Rhysand. We have heard what the Night Court does, what you do to your enemies. Peace? For a malewho melts minds and tortures for sport, I did not think you knew the word."

Althea had no love for the high lord but he had her respect, he took Feyre in, he's helped her like no one has before and he continues to do so even now so it was no surprise to her that she felt her blood boiling. Not only were they cowards but hideous inside and out. 

"If you will not send forces here to defend your people, thenthe artifact we requested-"

"Our half of the Book, child," the crone cut me off, "does not leave our sacred palace. It has notleft those white walls since the day it was gifted as part of the Treaty. It will never leave those walls,not while we stand against the terrors in the North."

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