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Guess who got sick and wrote around 10 chapters ahead. Yep me, its actually 1 am and im still writing chapters as we speak. Enjoy this chapter lovelies :)

If there was one thing she hated about Nora, it was how perspective she is. As soon as they got back from the day court she instantly picked up on Althea's mood swing. Maybe her bite back at Morrigan was too obvious but no one other than her mentor realised so that was always a good thing. The red head nudged her and asked what was wrong as soon as they stood opposite each other at their bedroom door.
Althea couldn't even tell Nora what was bothering her, for all she knew, the walls had ears. She gave Nora a small forced smile which she was certain came off as a grimace. "It's just the after battle jitters." She lied, the excuse rolling down her tongue easily. Nora didn't look convinced and just gave one last final look at Althea.

"Althea, you know you could tell me anything right?" 

Althea blinked back tears, her grip on her door knob tightening. "I know." 

"I'll always listen." 

She felt a tear escape, running a warm trail across her cheek. She quickly wiped it away but Nora already saw it. "I'll see you tomorrow." 

With that Althea slipped into her dark bedroom before locking her door with shaky hands. It felt like she was on an urge of a breakdown, similar to the one at the witches village when she lost control of her powers and it  scared her more than anything. A sigh slipped through her lips as she dragged her feet across the white marble floor to the bathroom. It was as if the Wraith twins knew what she needed, a hot bath was drawn. 

Althea glanced at the bucket than at the tub in front of her and without a second thought she started to unbuckle the leathers that she wore, not caring about the dried blood that fell like tiny specks onto the ground, the dirt that surrounded her. Her fingers trembled as she gripped the porcelain and slipped into the bath fighting the burning sensation in her chest.
The water itself was nice, leaving a nice tingling sensation on her skin. But it ended at that, she was never vocal about how much the cauldron affected her, she didn't dare to say that she couldn't bare to step in a bathtub, that it reminded her too much of the night she turned fae.

Arguably the worst night of her life.

Her lips trembled as she tried to control her breathing, her fingers still gripping the tub, her knees pulled to her chest. She felt it all, the burning sensation through her veins, how the cauldron took her ability to scream, all she could do is flail around in agony. How the lightning devoured her all in the cauldron.  

A knock sounded on the door, Althea blinked, being shaken out of her daze. Her eyes glanced up at the clock that hung in the bathroom wall. How long had she been sitting there. She stood up her fingers trembling as she grabbed the towel. She wrapped it around herself, not caring about looks at that moment. 

She didn't open the door fully, just a slit. "You look like hell."

Althea didn't bat an eyelash at Nesta's remark yet hurt slipped through her body. Was it all obvious. She licked her dry lips.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Are you okay?" 

Althea didn't know if she should laugh or cry. "I'm fine."

"No you're not." 

She gripped the doorknob. "What's wrong." She repeated internally begging for Nesta to say what she wanted to say. 

Nesta frowned taking a step forward, she pushed the door open slipping her way inside and Althea wrapped the towel tighter around her. "What happened over there? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" she hissed. Althea couldn't believe that Nesta out of her sisters was the one who was asking these questions but the shock turned to resolution. If she were to be honest, ever since her Feyre was taken from them then later left for love, their bond lessened. Instead she spent more time around Nesta than anyone else. 

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