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The sky was painted with stars. 

Althea stumbled in the dark, tripping over some loose branches. She actually sneaked out of her room a couple of minutes ago and was now walking along the woods near their manor, Althea wanted to find a special herb that could only be found at night and she'd been looking for a couple of days eager to prove it to her new mentor. She convinced her father if she could work alongside a professional herbalist which he agreed to before leaving town once again to another one of his voyages. 

Nesta hadn't been happy about it and she still wasn't but that didn't stop her from leaving their home every morning and night, looking for herbs and joining her mentor at his shop.  


Althea covered her mouth with her empty hand to stop the yell that threatened to spill, the other being busy holding a lantern. She was met face to face with Benjamin Nolan, he grinned at her approaching her from her far left. 

A frown slipped onto her face. "You scared me." Althea might as well make use of him. "Here hold this, my arms are tired." She passed over the lantern which he removed from her fingers gingerly, grabbing the bag she carried. Althea gave him a look. Explain. 

His smile never dropped. "When my lovely future fiance announced that she was going herb hunting all alone-"

"I'm not your future fiance."

"-at night, the gentleman in me just couldn't sit back and allow you to go on such a dangerous trip all by yourself." He threw the pink haired girl a wink and she had to hold back her smile. It's been  two months since she met him, five whole months since Feyre left.  

She'll be back soon, Althea felt that much. She's never been separated from Feyre this long before so it felt weird.  

"Still not your fiance Benjamin." Althea mused, continuing her walk. "But maybe we can stay friends."

Benjamin made a face. "No, i want to marry you

"Then you can stay single for the rest of your life." She teased, ignoring the little flutter in her stomach, she would be lying if she said she didn't find his humour and efforts enduring but there was only so much she could take. 

He shrugged, lifting the lantern a little higher so they could see better, further into the forest. He wore a white tunic, much different from his usual attire of suits and gold. He looked different. Much more approachable. 

"How'd you leave your manor anyways." She asked curiously, glancing at him from the corner of her eye, looking everywhere for the herb that was there somewhere. 

He shrugged looking down, watching his steps carefully. His blonde hair covered his eyes, Althea held back the need to brush them away. "Through the little escape tunnels we have. Maybe one day, i can sneak you in." 

When things get official. She knew what he meant and she didn't need him to elaborate, Althea wasn't planning on marrying any time soon, she never meant for Benjamin to develop some sort of infatuation with her. Althea blamed it on her charms, those books she read were right. Men love women who show no affection towards them. 

She stopped walking a crazy smile slipping onto her face, she found it. Turning on her heels Althea stopped Benjamin from walking anymore, shooting him a threatening look. "Watch where you're stepping we found it."

A look of surprise flashed across his face. "Really?" his surprise then turned into disappointment, clicking his tongue he  mockingly gave Althea a sad look. "I thought i'd be able to console you once you were met with disappointment."

A laugh escaped her lips, making his smile grow. "Do you want to see something cool." She hummed, taking a step closer to him. His eyebrow shot upwards, she gave no time for him to answer as she blew out the lantern letting them be soaked by darkness. 

She fought away the sinking feeling she always had whenever she was in the darkness and concentrated on the patch of flowers in front of her. The glowing flower. It's soft glow illuminated against the darkness of the forest, giving them a source of light and she had to hold back a snort at Benjamin's face. 

"It's pretty huh?" Althea asked teasingly, she plopped down onto her knees and carefully pulled out the small shovel she brought with her. "It says that this moonflower was originally from over the wall but over time its roots dug so deep into the ground that you could find it in some random places all around the world." 

"Really?" he hummed, kneeling besides her. He watched her as she carefully dug out the plant. "Why do you not cut it."

She turned to look at him, swallowing a lump in her throat. He was close, really close and he didn't seem to realise. He awaited her answer patiently, his brown eyes looking deep into hers. "Uh, the flower wouldn't, well glow anymore. It'll be deemed useless. Which is why I'll bring it to Mr.Robins who'll teach me the correct way and-" She looked back to the flower which was now being placed into a mini pot. "You're probably not interested." 

He smiled. "I'm extremely interested." 

She ignored him, standing on her feet. She dusted off the dirt that held onto her skirt and gave him a look. "I'll go home by myself, you need to return to yours before your father realises you're gone."

A sigh slipped from his lips. "I don't want you to walk on your own."

"I insist" Althea said affirmatively, she held his gaze for a second or two before he finally agreed. He took yet another step towards her and much to her surprise he caressed her hair, pushing it behind her neck.


She took a step back. "Goodnight, Mr. Nolan."

Althea didn't look behind her as she made her way back to her manor, the moonflower being her torch home.

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