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Althea's POV

She didn't remember most of the night, after Nesta and Feyre argued, she learnt to zone them out. Instead she ushered Feyre away so she could wash and change and started to cook the venison herself. Althea remembered their dinner conversation though, she remembered how Nesta exclaimed how she will marry the woodcutter's son. How she didn't need to marry for love. 

Althea found it ironic how Nesta wanted to marry a woodcutter's son when her herself refused to cut any. 

They all had seconds when it came to the meat and Althea had to stop herself from having a third plate, something she found hard to do suddenly. But there was a weight on her shoulders every time her eyes slipped over to the hide that sat on the chair near the fireplace. She felt it even though she tried to ignore it. The bad energy that, as if something bad was going to happen. When she voiced her thoughts to Feyre that night, Feyre went silent for a second before strangely announcing that it was nothing but she felt it. And she knew that Feyre felt it as well. 

Althea didn't mention Isaac Hale to her, she knew that it was a touchy subject to her sister instead she reached into the drawer that was next to their bed and opened her drawer. A small smile slipped onto her lips as her fingers slid across the little fox that her sister drew on her drawer, along with small flowers that were spawned all along the middle and edges. "Happy late slash early birthday Feyre." She nudged her sister as she pulled out an art book or was meant to be, it was small though, the size of her hand, but Althea was happy with the little pad that she traded some of the herbs for.  

Feyre smiled at her twin sister, a twinkle in her eyes. "Thea..." 

Althea waved her off, the smile never leaving her face. "I wanted some pencils to go with it, but i didn't have enough. Mr. Throne the town's herbalist, had it laying around his shop and i traded some of my snowflower seeds for it." 

Feyre's hand held Althea's, in thanks and happiness. 


The way to town was as always as busy as it is. The snow was covered in spots of black and brown from the horses and carts that sped past them and Althea wished they had enough money to have a ride to town, she twisted her ankle up the hill and as much as Feyre tried to convince her to return home, her pleas fell on death ears. 

Althea was not going to waste another day at home all alone, she'd rather join her three sisters even if they bickered to no end. She was meant to go with just Feyre but Nesta woke up at dawn to cut some wood knowing that the both of them were going to return home with money from the hides. Elain was already dressed and chirpy, they both weren't bothered to say anything.

Anyways, the town was boring and dull, nothing like the one they were raised in. The streets were adjourned with the same grey bricked houses and it was quite empty. Althea concluded that most of the town folk were probably at town hall where market day started. Even down the street she could smell the food, spices and food. She secretly hoped that Feyre could get a good price on the hide so that she could try the cheapest food stall, the way that Nesta and Elain did.

Feyre seemed to think the same. "Maybe if I sell well i could buy us something" She whispered to Althea, her twin sister nodding her head in agreement. Just as they were about to turn into the market, the four sisters came to a halt as they came face to face with a group they didnt want to run into. 

Children of the blessed. 

"May the Immortal Light shine upon thee, sisters." The one in front greeted the four. 

Great, absolutely great. 

Althea gave the group a look of disdain, gesturing her sisters to keep walking. The quicker they get away from the children of the blessed, the probability of Nesta getting into an argument would decrease. Instead much to the disdain of Althea the one in front continued to speak. "Have you a moment to spare to hear the words of the blessed." her wrist tinkled with silver, real silver. And for a moment Althea thought of snatching it up and running away, the town folk would probably cheer her on but she thought against it.

"No." Nesta sneered grabbing Elain's wrist trying to push past the group, the woman instead jumped in front of her blocking her path. 

"It would only take a minute" the woman urged.

"Go spew your fanatic nonsense to some ninny. You'll find no converts here."

It impressed Althea that her sister didn't crumble under the stares the group gave her, especially as a shadow of annoyance flickered across the one in front. 

Althea bit her lips as Nesta continued provoking the children of the blessed. "You see this?" Nesta hissed, taking a step forward. The acolyte retreated a step. "This is what you should be wearing. Not some silver bells to attract those faerie monsters."

"How dare you wear those vile bracelets-"

Nesta spat on the ground besides their feet. "Go preach at another town." 

That seemed to start something within the town folk as the ones who were also turning the corner to enter the market place stumbled across the group. "faerie-loving whore" one of the farmers housewives spat as she passed. 

Another woman, a rich looking one glared down at them, her iron necklace gleaming under the sun.  "Don't you idiots understand what those monsters did to us for all those centuries? What they still do for sport, when they can get away with it? You deserve the end you'll meet at faerie hands. Fools and whores, all of you."

Nesta nodded her agreement to the women as they continued on their way. We turned back to the young woman still lingering before us, and even Elain frowned in distaste.

But the young woman took a breath, her face again becoming serene, and said, "I lived in such ignorance, too, until I heard the Word of the Blessed. I grew up in a village so similar to this—so bleak and grim. But not one month ago, a friend of my cousin went to the border as our offering to Prythian—and she has not been sent back. Now she dwells in riches and comfort as a High Fae's bride, and so might you, if you were to take a moment to—"

"She was probably eaten." Nesta cut her off waving her away. "That's probably why she hasn't returned. 

The child of the blessed face went hard. "Our masters would never hurt us."

Nesta rolled her eyes and just as she was about to say something Feyre cut her off. "You're fighting an uphill battle." she dead panned, she then gestured to the town where it was buzzing with people. "let's go"

The sisters walked past them, Feyre taking the lead and Althea remained at the end just in case she had to push Nesta away, to stop her from attacking the woman. Just as her shoulder brushed against the woman in front, the lady took Althea's wrist with her palm. Her chocolate brown eyes glimmered with hope, she held my hand with both of hers. 

"You wear no iron." she beamed before leaning towards Althea's ear whispering a few words that let a shiver slip down her back. "I can sense them upon your family, you'll be blessed soon enough."

Feyre. Wall. Hide. 

Her twin sister appeared next to her in seconds ripping Althea's hand from the grasp from the woman. 

"Don't feed her your nonsense."

Nesta seemed ready to pounce at the woman which couldn't happen, not with this much people watching.

"What did she say?" Feyre pried with a thin frown. 

Althea met the eyes that matched with hers and tried to muster up the courage to tell her sister what she was told, instead the pink haired girl gave her sisters hand a small squeeze, ignoring the lingering tingle that surrounded her wrist like a bracelet. "Nothing." She decided on. "Just some load of shit."

Feyre gave her a small grin at her language, and the two continued on their way to a merchant separating from their elder two sisters.

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