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Althea felt the winter wind fan her face softly as she looked up at him. She didn't know what she expected but it wasn't him confessing to her at her doorstep while a meeting with faeries happened in her dining room right next door to them. 

She swallowed a lump in her throat. She tried digging for the feeling that blossomed in her chest that night when they searched for the moonflower together, the way her heart seemed to skip a beat when he looked at her. With want. But no matter how deep she dug, she couldn't find it. She couldn't find what he wanted from her, she didn't know if she could give him what he wanted, the want, the affection, the love

"Marry me, Althea Archeron."

She swore she saw the shadows expand dangerously as soon as he said that. She squeezed through the small slither that she opened, closing the door shut behind her. "Benjamin..." She started off but he held a hand up. 

"You don't have to answer me now." He cut her off. 

She felt pained. Would he still want to marry her once he found out her sister was a fae? That she had three extremely powerful fae males sitting in her home?

"Two months" Althea muttered, her eyes met his brown ones. "I'll give you two months to convince me." 

He squared his shoulders, he seemed a lot more confident. "Deal, you wont regret it."

Althea let herself smile for real, she loosened her posture, throwing him a grin as she glanced down over his shoulders to look at the midnight blue sky. "You'll be filled with regret if you don't get home before your bedtime." She teased. 

He took a couple steps down the staircase leading onto the white pavement. "I can handle my old man." He yelled over his shoulder, lifting his arm showing off his little muscles. "I could take him."

She laughed, her back against the door. It was cold, she felt like her heart was going to stop beating. "Good night Dolan."

He waved in response, and she watched him hop into his carriage, disappearing off into the road not even a minute later. A breath she didn't know she was holding slipped through her lips and yet she dreaded entering her home. 

What if they all heard?

She felt her cheeks heat up, she was sure that one of the men heard everything what if he told everyone else? Mother above she was going to puke. 

Just as her hand hovered above the doorknob It was pulled open by none other than Nesta. Her dread was now filled with annoyance. "What was that about?" 

She walked past Nesta with her head held high, quite aware of Feyre and Elain watching from the side. "Nothing."

A sinister smile slipped onto her older sister's face. "He proposed again didn't he?" Nesta urged. "He confessed?" 

Feyre looked at Althea with  an amused smile. "Again? My dear sister has the boy smitten" she and Elain snickered. 

"Guys please." She muttered but it fell on death ears. 

Elain looked at her with a smile. "Are you going to say yes this time?"

"She has no choice, twice is the charm." Nesta teased. 

Feyre strolled up to her, linking her arm with hers. "You can tell me all about him up in my room." 

Althea looked at  her with surprise. "You're staying the night?"

Feyre looked guilty as she tugged Althea up stairs with her. "Don't worry, I'll tell you everything."

After settling on Feyre's bed with the both of them sitting crossed legged across from each other Feyre started her story. Althea listened intently, not caring about anything else. She was focused on everything that Feyre said, at some point of the story the both of them cried. It was like they shared their emotions, both of them felt what the other did. She felt the anger, sadness, love and frustration that Feyre felt. 

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