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"Come on!" Althea yelled in annoyance looking at the random pan she stole from the kitchen and which was meant to be her target but instead she was hitting anything but that, whoever said that metal attracts lightening lied.

She doesn't know how to aim her strikes of lightning no matter how much she tried, her arm dropped to her side as she looked at the carnage she made in a clearing away from the village. It's been quite a crazy week since she opened her book, since she finally was able to use the power the cauldron gave her. She could control electricity and the wind. But she didn't exactly know how to. 

Althea unfortunately had the luck of being the only air witch in the village and that meant no one could really train her when it came to that stuff. All she could do was read what was written in the book and try to do it practically. She aced wind control and she did the first step which was summoning lightning but she wasn't able to do the second and that's controlling said summoning. And it's been a week or so. 

Don't get her wrong she was still being trained by Nora when it came to hand in hand combat and not to brag but she's improved tenfold, and Amara was training her with herbs and tarot reading which she found quite interesting. While Wren was teaching her medical remedies and how to heal using her abilities, something Wren commented on saying that she was a natural. (she was literally being taught alongside an 8 yr old Juniper, if she couldn't keep up it would've been embarrassing .) Yet she couldn't control this damned ability. 

Althea frowned as she took in the clearing, she was standing in the center of the only unscathed part of land everything else was convicted to small craters, broken trees and smoke. 

She felt bad for the earth witches they always had to fix it after each of her "training" sessions. Nora was forbidden from coming anywhere near her while she was trying to summon lightning due to the fact that she almost killed her, she winced at the memory. If she didn't jump out the way fast enough... she didn't want to think of what may have happened. The last thing Nora told her was to use one of her emotions to control it. She decided she wanted to think happy thoughts, so it would be happy lightning strikes. 

She was feeling anything but happy.

It was kind of hard to think happy thoughts seeing as most of her life was circled around the misfortune her family endured. Lady luck may have skipped her family entirely and moved on to the next bunch. All the memories she had were full of sadness, resentment and anger. She felt bitter, as if her life had no meaning but to conflict pain onto herself. 

Maybe instead of centering her thoughts around happiness she should try the darker side of her emotions. The anger she leaves bottled up. Althea pursed her lips as she pondered for a little longer finally deciding to do it, she was ready to unscrew the cap for this one moment. If it doesn't work then she doesn't know what will. 

She thought of everything that angered her. Her father. If his business didn't fail they would've never ended up in that cabin in the woods where the four sisters were always against each other, they were always fighting to live. Althea and Feyre would've had a proper education, her twin sister never would've went into the woods, she never would've killed that fae wolf. Never would've went over that wall. They wouldn't have met the fae, those awful queens who sold her family out and killed the man she wanted to marry. Althea felt her blood boil as she thought of what happened in that dark castle. On Hybern. How she was separated from them. Her sisters and her went through hell and now they were getting dragged into a war. 

Althea was livid, it was the first time she allowed herself to think of past events in months. Allowed herself to finally think. She felt the familiar tug in her stomach and she saw the clouds turn grey overhead gathering together and blocking any ray of sunlight that begged to be shown. She didn't stop the thoughts from stacking atop each other as the first strike connected with the target across from her, or the next. The wind slammed into her body roughly making her lose her balance, she swayed slightly before fixing her stance, she placed one thought ahead the other raising her other hand she was ready to up the strikes. 

She thought of the person that had sacrificed her family to the king. Ianthe. She remembered her name clearly, she wanted her dead, and the queens as well, she hoped nothing but the worst happened to them on that bone-cleaved castle after she was rescued. She felt rain start to tremble down yet she ignored it.

Althea watched emotionless as another strike hit the same spot but with more intensity than the others. 

She clenched her jaw. More.


The voice sounded far away. 

"Althea, stop this madness!"

She blinked through the rain and wind turning around to face the owner, she was surprised to see Nora and Amara standing at the edge of the clearing watching with stern faces, with eyebrows furrowed she tried to push the thoughts away but it was no use, she went too far in. She felt overwhelmed, it was all a mistake. Althea never should've ventured that deep, she should've just failed like always. 

Her skin started to tingle as she lifted both her hands in front of her. Althea didn't know if it was due to her imagination or if it was really happening but from the corner of her eye she saw something she couldn't explain, her veins, they were glowing a deep red starting from the center of her palms extending outwards in patterns of thunder strikes. 

Now Althea was panicking, what in the hell was happening? 

"Althea! You're drawing too much energy!"

Althea heard her heart pound against her ears, blocking out the sounds of her mentors begging for her to stop, of the sounds of the roaring winds that blew through her thin clothing like small shards of ice. 

Her breathing quickened and she begged inwardly for someone to help her. Anyway. As if one of her mentors heard her silent pleads she felt a heavy blow on the back of her head knocking her to her knees. She reached up and touched the back of her head aware of the blood that dripped down her neck, black spots danced throughout her visions and she felt her eye lids grow heavy. 

With a silent thank you, she fell onto her side embracing the peace that fell upon her like a sudden night. 

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