Chapter 8

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How long has it been?

Oh yes a week since her and Nesta's conversations and yet not one word was exchanged between the two. It was always curt nods, sometimes nasty stares since Althea made Benjamin stop the proposal offer. Her and Benjamin still spoke and both him and Althea always had to accompany their siblings as their patrons wherever they went But her and Nesta were a different story, they never really spoke since the little argument they had. Elain said that they were both being stubborn and that it was going to get them nowhere.  

But today was different, she woke up feeling empty like a part of her disappeared overnight, she felt weak and sick, the first thing she did was run to the bathroom and vomited. And it was the first time she cried ever since Feyre was taken by the monstrous faerie. 

It was an ominous feeling but she was certain that her twin sister was dead.

The maids immediately told her two older sisters and not even 15 minutes later they were sitting at the end of her bed both of them watching her with worried eyes, well Nesta seemed to be judging her.  "How are you feeling?" Elain muttered, placing a hand on her forehead checking her temperature.

All Althea could do was nod, knowing that if she said word she would break down in hysterics again. Elain looked at Nesta and the elder sister let out a loud sigh, she swapped seats with Elain who moved to close the door almost suspiciously.  

Once Nesta made sure that the door was closed she patted Althea's knee gesturing for her to sit up straighter.  Althea frowned through puffy eyes, she sniffled shuffling her body up from her position pulling up the blanket with her. 

"Who is it?" Nesta said grimly. 

Althea blinked once. "What?" She said, her voice raw. 

Nesta's eyes hardened. "Which bastard impregnated you?" 

If Althea was drinking anything she would've dramatically spat everything out, instead she was left staring at her older sister in shock.


Elain sat opposite of Nesta. "We're not angry-"

"I am." Nesta said grimly.

"-We're just worried."

Althea was shocked, yes maybe the symptoms may be similar to morning sickness, and maybe she was a little adamant about getting married but she wasn't pregnant. At least she hoped she wasn't. What is she saying? Althea definitely wasn't pregnant. 

"I'm not pregnant." She finally spoke, shaking off the shock that fried her brain for a second. 

Her older two sisters let out a sigh of relief. A laugh escaping Elain's lips but that only made more tears prickle at her eyes. Would Elain still laugh if she said she felt Feyre die? How would her older two sisters react. She bit her bottom lip. 

"Elain." Nesta finally spoke, she turned to her with a thin smile. "Would you go make us that tea you made last night?" It was more of a command than anything else and she was certain that Elain realised that as well. She smiled in return slipping out the bedroom closing the door with a soft click.

"What is it?" 

Althea couldn't stop her tears from falling. "I felt her die." She whispered. "I-I don't know how i felt it or why but I just feel like she just vanished overnight, like a rope was cut" Her fingers played with the tip of her blanket. 

She hated not knowing things just as bad as she did the dark. 

Nesta was silent and Althea saw emotions fight like waves behind her eyes, her fists being clenched as she stood up from her bed. "Don't say things like that." She finally spoke after moving towards the open window, the cloudy sky coated with grey. "Don't mention this to Elain and father until we've confirmed it, what you're feeling Althea is most probably withdrawal."

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