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Ariana's POV

"Okay class! Listen up!" Mrs Richards yelled, silencing the room immediately.

"I'm giving you a project to work on for the next two weeks. You're going to create a collage filled with pictures of anything to fit with a theme that you can choose. For example: Beauty or Love" The class let out a loud groan.

"Before you start bickering, I have chosen your partners. You both have to put some effort into the project or I will fail you for this term" The class silenced once more and looked at Mrs Richards with fear.

"Eleanor and Sam" Oh great. Now I have to be paired with someone that I don't like.

"Ariana and Luke" Did I hear her correctly? Me and Luke? Together? Looks like I'm failing this term already.


Luke dumped his bag on the ground by my locker and grabbed my attention. I gave him a questioning glance and he began to stumble over his words, which was incredibly adorable. But I wouldn't admit it.

"Uh- Will you meet me tonight? So we can uh- discuss this stupid project together?" I nodded my head and gave him a small smile and walked away to the cafeteria.

Ellie was infatuated with Mason. I could practically hear her thoughts from here. I sat down and greeted them both. For some reason I couldn't focus on their conversation because all I could think about was Luke.

"I hate Art! Mrs Richards paired me with Sam and he wants to do a collage about death and grungy things like that" I watched her shiver with disgust.

I honestly thought Luke would have done something like that since he has this punk reputation and probably wants to uphold it. I wonder what his thoughts about this would be.

"Good Luck with Luke by the way" she whispered as Mason walked away to probably purchase more food.

"He isn't that bad" I groaned.

"I know that you think that. Do you remember when I pulled you away from him? You were practically fighting to go back. What was that about?" I didn't tell her about what had occurred. Oops.

"He called me beautiful" I blushed and looked down at my hands which were sitting in my lap.

Punk? Luke A.UWhere stories live. Discover now