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Ellie's POV

*2 months later*

I ran my fingers through my recently dyed blonde hair as I was walking through the hallways of our school. Ashton and Michael walked past me and I overheard them laughing about something.

Of course, my insecurities kicked in instantly and I believed that they had said something about me. Yes my hair is a lighter colour, problem?.

Mason was standing by his locker and was frustratedly banged his fist against the door. I approached him and he pointed towards the door.

I opened it and spotted flour scattered all over the inside of his locker. How is this possible? They must have broken the lock somehow to do something like this to the poor boy.

"I'm sorry, Mason. Happy birthday" I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks. You too" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and watched him slap his hand against his forehead.

"Uh- i-i mean-uh- Thanks. Uh- Sorry" I shook my head and laughed at the blushing boy.

Mason wrapped his arms around my waist and I quickly hugged him back and noticed that all of his friends had surrounded us in the hallway and were gushing about the whole situation.

"Ellie. I think you should date him" George winked and nudged me closer to Mason.

I like Mason, a lot but I feel pressured right now. I'm not going to confess my feelings in front of everyone. I want to wait until the right moment, I don't want us to start like this. Even Luke could be more romantic than this.

"We're just friends" I defended myself quickly and awkwardly.

"AW! Don't friend zone the birthday boy!"

I was getting really annoyed that Mason wasn't trying to stop them. I let go of Mason, wished him a happy birthday and shoved my way through the crowd and stormed off.

I needed to find his sister. She'll know what to do.. Right? She knows him better than anyone. I spotted the red haired girl and dragged her away from a group of bitches to speak to her in private.

"Uh- does Mason like me back?" She bit her lip and looked away from me.

Does this mean he does like me or he doesn't? What if she doesn't want to tell me in case it hurts my feelings. No she wouldn't do that, she's too kind. Mason likes me! He really likes me!

"He does?" She nodded sheepishly and I hugged her tight and walked away again to think of a way of confessing.

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