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*16 years later*

Ariana's POV

"Luke, I swear if you let Joey get a lip ring at 14 I will not hesitate to slap you silly and take away your sex privileges" Luke gasped and shook his head violently.

"No! You can't do that to me!" He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Baby" he cooed into my ear causing me to let a small smile tug on my lips.

Joey walked into the kitchen followed by his younger sister, Olivia who was 13.

"Yuck! Can you not be all cuddly?" Joey screwed his face up in disgust and held his hand in front of Olivia's eyes so that she couldn't see us.

"I'll do what I want. She's my wife" Luke spoke sternly and immediately silenced his son.

He grabbed my face in his hands and I felt his lips land on mine. My lips moved slowly with his and I heard the groans of disgust erupting from our children.

"Okay. You can stop! I get it!" Joey yelled.

Olivia laughed and was smiling when Luke pulled away. I could feel his eyes still on me as my gaze was diverted to the kids.

"I heard your conversation. Its nice to know what you do when we're not home.. But can I get a lip ring when I'm 16?" I sighed and agreed to it.

Joey thanked us before leaving the room. Olivia was still staring at us both and had a small smile on her face. I raised my eyebrow and she shrugged before turning around and closing the door behind her.

I turned to Luke and realised what she was smiling at. Luke's blue eyes were filled with admiration and love. I had noticed the way he looked at me when my mum pointed it out before we got married.

I kissed his soft lips for a few seconds and felt him smile into the kiss. Even after almost 17 years of being married he still makes my heart pound every time he touches me.

"I love you" he whispered and placed his lips against my temple.

"Yeah, yeah you too" I giggled and watched his lips form into a pout.

I shook my head and laughed at the blonde boy before wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his chest. I focused on his steady heartbeat and compared it with my racing heartbeat.

"Please don't leave me. Ever" Luke mumbled into my hair.

My head shot up as I looked at him in shock. Why would he think like this?

"Luke, we've been together for around 21 years in total. What makes you think I would leave you?" He looked down sheepishly and bit his lip.

"I-i don't know. I guess I'm just scared of losing you to someone better or I'm scared that you will get bored of me" I shook my head and kissed his cheek.

"I'll never leave you, I promise"

"You don't understand how in love with you I am" I blushed and kissed his lips again.

"I fell for you back in high school, we dated and now we're married with kids and I have never fallen out of love with you baby girl"

My heart thumped harder against my rib cage and we shared a long, passionate kiss. I don't know how I got so lucky but I'm glad that I gave Luke a chance. He still has the tattoos and still wears his piercings but I have never thought of him the way I used to, he isn't a punk.

"Yuck! Stop sucking each others faces off!" Joey screamed causing me to begin to laugh and I broke the kiss by laughing.

"Why do you always interrupt when we're having a cute moment?" Luke whined.

I slapped his chest and giggled quietly.

"Tell your kids to go away" he pouted.

"I love how whenever they do something that you don't want them to do they're automatically my kids" I laughed.

"Ignore him" Joey nodded and laughed at his fathers reaction.

Our life was perfect. We had a nice house in the countryside which was away from most of the crime that happened closer to the town. We were safe. Luke and I were happy and we rarely argued and we had two healthy children. I couldn't have asked for a better life.


Yay! Awful ending!

I hope you enjoyed reading the book.

I love you! :)

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