~Twenty Six~

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Luke's POV

"Don't you think its a little bit early to be saying that you want to marry Ariana?" Ashton chuckled as we watched everyone taking a seat in the bleachers for assembly.

"Maybe. I don't know. I just love her so much and I want to be with her for the rest of my life" I bit my lip and scanned the bleachers in search for my girlfriend.

"That's cute. Hazel and Michael broke up so he decided to stay off to avoid seeing her. Let's hope you and Ariana don't end up like that" Calum joined the conversation.

"Michael and Hazel were together for 2 weeks and they weren't interested in each other, it was obvious they wouldn't last!" Ashton protested.

Those brown eyes and that melodic laugh caught my attention as I spotted Ariana sitting a few rows in front of us. She was sitting with her brother and his girlfriend.

I didn't pay any attention to the ongoing assembly as my mind was clouded with thoughts of Ariana. I couldn't get my mind off her even if I was just staring at the back of her head.

I wish Michael was here. Assemblies are more fun when the four of us are together but it just doesn't feel right with only three of us. We need Michael back.

Ariana turned her head and gave me a shy wave which I returned and added a smile. We aren't rushing into anything and that's why everything feels so perfect.

Our first time was full of love and passion instead of lust which seemed to be a first for both of us. I always thought that she was a virgin so I guess I was wrong about her.


"Tess keeps looking at you Luke" Calum smirked as he ate some of his pasta that he had recently purchased.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't care" I spat and took a sip from my water bottle and slammed it back down onto the table.

I watched Ariana walk into the cafeteria and I immediately moved my bag so that she could sit down with us since Mason and Ellie had ditched her again.

I looked away for a second and when I had returned my attention to her she was on the ground surrounded by a group of jocks with cheerleaders laughing at her.

I threw my water bottle down and approached the jock who has tripped her and punched him straight in the face which sent him tumbling.

Once he had fallen to the ground I kicked him multiple times and sent a few more punches to his face. He let out a groan and shielded his face before mumbling out an apology.

"Don't apologise to me! Apologise to my girlfriend you bastard!" I yelled.

"I-Im sorry Ariana" she gave a weak nod before getting up and pulling me off the Jock.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked.

She nodded in response. I kissed her lips and wrapped my arms around her small body.

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