~Twenty Five~

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Ariana's POV

I opened the door for the second time that night to finally reveal my boyfriend. I practically jumped into his arms and kissed his lips before pulling him inside.

"Mum.. Dad.. This is my boyfriend, Luke" I refused to make eye contact with my father.

Mason let out a shriek as Luke sat down which startled him and made me laugh. My dad was questioning Luke and Ellie about our relationships and I felt like grabbing the metal plate filled with food and hitting him with it.

He doesn't deserve to know anything about us anymore. He left us for months and now he comes back after Mason calls him. Its clear who his favourite is.

He tried to talk to me a few times but I ignored him and hoped he got the point. Luke's grip on my hand tightened as he noticed my foul mood. I gave him a reassuring smile before diverting my gaze.

"So, Caroline. How has work been today?" Is he seriously trying to act like he's always here for us?!

"Fine. Thank you. How about you?" My mum spat through gritted teeth.

"Oh it was great, Martin came up with this brilliant idea to boost marketing!" He yelled in triumph and I glared across the table at my brother.


"Caroline, are you going to finish your food?" My dad asked.

"No. You can take it away and ditch it for a few months until it fucking crawls back" she growled in response.

"You're such a spoilt brat! I'm always here for you and this is how you treat me!" He spat.

"I can't believe you! You left us for god knows how long! You're never here for us so shut the fuck up!" My mum screamed in response.

I squeezed Luke's hand three times which was our signal for 'can we leave'. He nodded and stood up and lead me outside into the backyard. We sat down on the double seated swing and I rested my head on his shoulder and let out the tears I had been holding in.

"Please don't cry baby. I know its horrible to see your parents arguing but everyone fights sometimes. It will get better, I promise. I'm always going to be here to kiss away your pain." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head multiple times.

I kissed Luke's cheek and buried my head into his chest and waited until I had finally stopped crying. Being with Luke made me happy and calmed me down so whenever something bad would happen I'd always escape to my happy place with Luke.

I leaned my head up a little so that his lips could reach mine without any of us straining to reach each others lips. My hand caressed his cheek as our lips were molded together.

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