A Christmas Surprise

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POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

I bought a Christmas cake to eat with Kusuo, and on the way there, I came across some familiar faces.

Nendou and Kaidou: Oh...,Teruhashi-san.

T: Oh, Nendou-kun, Kaidou-kun. Where are you two going?

N: We're going to pal's house for another Christmas party.

K: We were just on our way to buy some cake.

I look to the Christmas cake I bought.

T: Well, I already have some cake with me.

Nendou looked curious.

N: Are you also going to pal's house?

T: I-it's not that, I'm sending them to his family as a Christmas present.

K: You don't mind us using your Christmas present for our Christmas party?

T: It's not a big deal, I can give another present at another time.

Kaidou this time looked confused.

K: You visit Saiki's house often?

T: I-it's because his mother and I have gotten along very well from her cooking classes.

When we were walking to Kusuo's house, we continued our conversation.

K: Does Saiki get to eat your cooking often?

T: Sometimes when we make too much by accident.

K: I'm so jealous!

N: I want to eat Teruhashi-san's food.

I merely smiled from their praises. When we pressed the doorbell, Kusuo's mom answered.

Mom: Welcome, Kokomi-chan! Oh, Nendou and Kaidou is here too!

T,N & K: Thank you for inviting us!

Kusuo walked down the stairs and looked at us in surprise. He was more surprised that Nendou and Kaidou followed me here. They both notice Kusuo by the stairs.

N: Oh, Pal! Merry Christmas!!!

K: Let us begin our holiday retreat from the Dark Reunion!

They both walk past Kusuo to enter his room.

S: Did you invite them?

T: Of course not. I wouldn't want anyone to bother our Christmas date.

S: You couldn't find a way to get rid of them?

T: Well, remember when we said that you're okay with telling people about us?

S: I do.

T: I thought your closest friends would be a good place to start.

S: Hm...

He appears to be deep in thought, he didn't even deny that Nendou and Kaidou are his closest friends.

S: I guess that's not a bad idea.

T: Hope they can take the news well. 

S: I don't know what reaction to expect from them.

When we entered Kusuo's room, Nendou and Kaidou were already settled in and had the cake prepared. 

N: I'm telling you, Santa Claus is real, I met him once.

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