In Sickness and In Health

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

I was going to enjoy a normal day until I found out that Kokomi didn't come to school today because she's unwell. It's not that much of a pain to deal with the public panic now since I'm a trusted source of information now,

K: Saiki! Where's Teruhashi?!

A: She always comes to school!

S:...she's just sick.

And as soon as I said that, everyone I know went around and assured everyone about Kokomi's condition. If you're wondering why Kokomi has been sick every once in a while, people normally get sick 2 to 4 times a year. I might be partially at fault for teleporting us suddenly to Alaska that one time without preparation. So no, Kokomi does not have any medical instabilities.

Aside from that, there's one thing I'm worried about, and it's not Kokomi. I used my clairvoyance to see Kokomi being taken care of by her brother, Makoto Teruhashi. Well, putting quotations on "taken care of" is more accurate.

Makoto Teruhashi: Kokomi! I got you medicine! But you probably cant eat it right now, it's better to eat the medicine from mouth to mouth-

I'm not leaving her with him.

I quickly stood up and left the classroom, as no one is around I teleport to Kokomi's room behind Makoto and drag him by his shirt collar.

M: What the?! Where did you come from?! Hey, let me go!

That's not happening. 

I push him out of the room and locked the door. I'm not looking forward to dealing with him. I look to Kokomi, on her bed, sweating and breathing heavily. Brings back unnecessary memories but I set them aside. I walked to her and cooled her forehead with my cryokinesis. Kokomi was awake from the cold and saw me.

T: Kusuo,

Kokomi looked at me with a weak smile. I smiled at her back and replied,

S: There's no need to greet me. Just focus on resting and getting better.

I was going to move my hand from her forehead, but she took the opportunity to grab my arm. 

S: Good grief, you can be really clingy when you're sick.

I sat in front of her bed while she hugs my arm until her grip loosens enough for me to move away.

I open the door to see an agitated Makoto.

M: Shi..Glasses! What the hell are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in school? How did you even get here anyway?! I can report you to the police for tresspassing, especially if it's the house of the famous actor Makoto Teruhashi!

I simply looked at him and walked down the stairs. and Makoto followed, continuing his complaints.

M: Are you ignoring me?! Don't act all tough just because Kokomi likes you! I still have my advantages as her brother-

When I sat at the dining room table, the room farthest to Kokomi's room, I finally talked to Makoto.

S: You're not done?

M: Of course not! Your unnecessary presence is in the way of me aiding Kokomi to full health-

S: Even if your yelling is bothering Kokomi resting? 

I made him go silent from him realising. 

M: W-well it doesn't change that you were stopping me from helping Kokomi get better.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now