The Goddess vs The Psychic

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

K: Now,

I will call Kokomi's mother Kanade from now on since I will mention her often today. It also gives me confidence on facing her. From that, Kanade gives me a piercing look with the same dark blue eyes that was given to Kokomi. 

K: What do you wish to inquire from me?

The question was intentionally formal to create distance between us, specifically putting herself in a higher position. And her previously piercing stare turns cold and calculated like chilling frostbite, trying to make me feel like I'm wasting her time. 

Didn't expect her to be this relentless from the get go. She's testing me with an unwelcoming and strict tone to see if I have a strong enough backbone for Kokomi. Her protectiveness was like looking at a mirror, on how I would treat anyone that wants to get close to Kokomi. 

She really fits my impression of her when I found out who she really is.

S: I just want to start off by saying that I know more about you than you expect.

K: Really now?

S: I do,

S: Goddess of the World, Teruhashi Kanade.

Kanade's eyes widen and she stays silent, allowing me to continue.

S: A title given by the public to the highest ranking advisor of every industry that involves physical appearance. Acting, singing, cosmetics, fashion, advertising, entertainment, fitness, hospitality, transport and business. Unparalleled to the point of not being tied down by any corporation or organisation. A single peerless entity with her hands everywhere but is nowhere because at the end of the day,

S: She is just one person.

Kanade shortly stares at me in stillness, not showing her surprise of me knowing her occupation to that extent. 

K: I partially expect you to know due to your superpowers, but I'm impressed that you'd be confident enough to believe in it. Because just the notion of one person having that much power is hard to believe.

 S: That's just human nature.

Kanade raises an eyebrow in curiousity from my sudden philosophical statement.

K: Go on.

S: We're already acclimated in an era where the most powerful groups other than a nation itself, is the organisations that become the beating heart of a nation's politics and economy. The mere thought of all of those corporations under the palm of a singular person, scares people. The idea of a person with that much power, makes them fear tyranny. Fear of a higher power that breaths the same air as them. 

The only way for a powerful person to see eye to eye to you,

S: And the reason I don't have that fear,

Is to become one yourself.

S: Is that I'm not exactly human myself.

Kanade smirks in approval from my boldness.

K: Fascinating. Your intelligence and mental fortitude is just as incredible as the abilities you have.

S: I have to if the woman herself is right in front of me.

I take advantage of her acknowledgement to turn the conversation to my favour.

S: There's also the fact that I doubt that epithet was started by you.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now