Father and Daughter Talk

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POV: Teruhashi Tadao

Oh my, it seems that I'm taking a more active role than I thought. That Kusuo sure is thoughtful. Perceptive as well. 

Hours ago, in a white limousine...

F: Kanade, we're finally seeing Makoto and Kokomi after 13 years.

K:...and so we are...

F: What's the matter? You seem reluctant about something.

K: It's nothing,

F: Would that feeling be nervousness?

K:...Could be.

F: I can understand that. It's been such a long time. 

I look to the nervous Kanade once more.

F: Kanade, we're not in work. You can show those kinds of emotions.

K: It's not easy.

F: Old habits die hard it seems.

Kanade sighs and starts a new topic of conversation. 

K: Well, from Makoto's reports, Kokomi appears to be growing healthily. 

F: That's reassuring to hear. 

K: However, the reports would have been better if it wasn't showered with unnecessary compliments and flowery words. He gained a large part of his romanticism from you, I swear.

I lightly chuckled and jokingly replied, 

F: My apologies, Kanade.

F: But Kanade,

K: What is it, Tadao?

F: I must remind you, this visit might not go as well as our usual business. There is a possibility that not everything will go according to your wishes, Kanade. 

K: I'm actually expecting that, Tadao.

F: Really now?

K: That girl should exceed my expectations,

K: She is my replacement after all.

Back to present, 

And exceed her expectations she did. If a normal parent would not easily deal with that conflict, I do not expect Kanade too.

I see Kokomi sitting at the stairs, burying her face in her arms. I kneel on one knee in front of her, and I lightly tap on her arm. 

Kokomi looks up to me offfering a napkin.

F: Although your tears are beautiful, any father would be hurt by the sight of his daughter crying.


Kokomi takes my napkin and I sit next to her on the stairs, waiting for her to calm her emotions. When Kokomi finally raises her head, I finally talk to her. 

F: Are you alright now?


Kokomi turns silent, trying to think of what she wants to say to me.

T: Father,

F: Yes?

T: Are you...angry at me?

F: I can never be angry at you. You're the precious daughter of Kanade and I after all.

T: But...I said those mean things.

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