King of the School

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

I exit my house to see Kokomi greeting me first thing in the morning. Kokomi also noticed that I changed my look back to ideal Kusuo.

T: You went back to ideal Kusuo again.

S: I have a feeling that it's necessary today.

 While we walked to school, Kokomi started talking.

T: Are you sure this is a good idea?

S: You..we already announced our relationship in front the whole school, so starting by going to school separately would not be a good look. Unless you don't want to-

Kokomi immediately hugged my arm when I wanted to offer an alternative.

T: No way! Since everyone knows, I can do this any time now.

Good grief.

When we entered the school building, it felt like we were a lamp in a room of moths. Everyone seeing us together confirmed it for them that we're dating. When they watched the play, they could play it off that we were just acting, but that theory was quickly dismissed when they see Kokomi holding my hand with the biggest smile on her face.

When we entered our class, everyone was already sat down silently. The room was divided with the boys on the left and the girls on the right. In front of the class was Hairo, standing behind the teacher's desk.

H: Oh, Saiki, Teruhashi. Take a seat.

The only seats left was my usual seat and an empty seat on the right for Kokomi. When we both sat down, Hairo began explaining.

H: Good morning everyone, I was told by many to talk about our play from the culture festival yesterday. Good news, our play was a smashing success, winning the award for the Best School Event of All Time, 

That's an award?

H: And the school's admission rate quadrupled. But the addressed bad news was what happened at the end of the play, none of us knew about it and that caused the audience to react so loudly that it broke the glass windows of the hall. 

H: So I would like to start the homeroom by asking Teruhashi for clarification.

Hairo looks to Kokomi.

H: What did the end of the play mean, Teruhashi?

Kokomi boldly stood up and responded, 

T: I used the play and it's ending to announce to everyone that I'm dating Saiki Kusuo. I'm sorry that I used everyone for my selfish goal!

Kokomi bowed to the whole class as an apology. Everyone was caught off-guard that the perfect and flawless Teruhashi Kokomi is bowing to them.

H: N-no it's okay Teruhashi, everyone still had a lot of fun!

Hairo's panic slowly turned into a proud and satisfied smile. Looks like he's happy that Kokomi can openly admit her relationship now.

H: Thank you for telling us, Teruhashi.

Hairo went back to talking to the whole class.

H: So you've all heard it yourselves, Teruhashi is dating Saiki. Does anyone have anything to say?

?: I do!

Someone stood up and it was Satou Hiroshi, the "God of Normality" that I used to admire. I didn't even know that he was in our class...or maybe I saw him but he fits so well in the background that his presence never stood out.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now