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POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

I'm standing in front Saiko's mansion and I ring the doorbell. Usually you would have to book an appointment in a month's advance, but Saiko knows that if I'm willing to visit his mansion, it is for a good reason. I look up to see the sign of "Saiko Land" that looks like an amusement park.

His mansion looks more fun and unconventional than normal mansions.

The outside gates open and I walk past all of his statues. It is odd to see that when I walked past them, I noticed that the statues have joint and detachments on them. Can the statues move?

I made it to the front door with a jarringly futuristic door that opened for me. It looks impressive sure but it really doesnt fit with the normal mansion exterior. Did not expect the cyber vibe.

The first thing I see is an arcade. Kusuo and I would have so much fun here. The weirdest thing is a room section that is completely made of sweets. It's weirdly specific that it can only appease one person I know, which is Kusuo.

After a little while, I finally reached the room where Saiko is in. I see him sitting on a sideways Z shaped chair. 

Metori Saiko: Good morning, Teruhashi. Good to see you again.

T: Likewise. I thought you'd had other plans since I invited myself here so abruptly. 

M: You're not wrong in saying that I had other plans, like going to Barcelona, but I was pleasantly surprised by your visit that I was more than willing to cancel it.

M: Especially without Kusuo.

M: So this probably means that you want me to do something for you without Kusuo's knowledge. That's not a simple task. He can easily find us out.

T: Kusuo trusts me and only checks on me when I'm in trouble.

M: If that's the case,

I hear the door lock behind me, and Saiko stood up from his chair and slowly walked towards me.

M: Then what if I immediately claim you right now?

He's taunting me and invading my personal space by standing right in front of me, but I stood my ground. 

T: You know Kusuo would save me, and you also know that doing so would jeopardise your relationship with Kusuo.

Saiko's smirk of provocation changed to a smirk of amusement.

M: You turned gutsy. you really turned into more of my type. 

Saiko turns around and walks back to his chair.

M: But I'm well aware that I can't make you mine.

As soon as he sits back down, he continued our conversation.

M: So, what do you wish from me? 

T: I want your support for the culture festival.

M:...that's it? You're talking to Metori Saiko, scion of Saiko Conglomerate, future CEO and most powerful person in the world. And you want my help for a lowly school culture festival?

T: Yes, you remember you withdrawing your help from the last play our class did.

M: I did. 

T: That's why I'm asking.

M: Well that's not a hard favour to ask, but realistically, how does it benefit me? 

T: Because,

One week later, at school,

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now