Pyschic da Vinci

372 11 2

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Art Teacher: Today we're doing some rough sketches. Everyone get into pairs and draw your partner while you face each other.

A normal class, I would choose anyone that looks normal...if Kokomi isn't standing in front of me with a bright smile.

T: Saiki-

S: Just sit down.

She sat down in front of me and talked.

T: No objections this time?

S: Well,

I looked to the group of boys in despair from being incapable of drawing Kokomi. 

S: Doesn't look like I have much of a choice.

We started a conversation when we were drawing.

T: How good are you at drawing?

S: Because of thoughtography, I can draw an exact portrait of you right now.

T: Oh.

S: You don't sound that happy.

T: I'm worried that my drawing won't look as good. And I doubt that you want to show everyone your perfect portrait.

S: We don't need to compare, I'd appreciate anything you give me. Also I noticed that I haven't given you anything lately since we went to the theme park. 

I look up to see Kokomi lightly blushing.

T: Most of the things you do for me don't really leave a souvenir.

S: We could've bought something when we were on the cruise ship or the Yokote Festival.

T: People usually buy souvenirs because they can't come back.

S: You want to go back to those places again?

T: Why not? Maybe the next time we go there it won't be just the two of us.

Wonder what she means by that. 

T: Plus, I got all I needed when we were there.

S: Which is?

She looked to me and smiled.

T: Spending time with you.

S: That's nice to hear.

With that topic out of the way, I changed the subject.

S: And about showing others my portrait of you,

T: Hm?

S: Maybe it's about time I put myself out there.

T: What do you mean by that?

S: I'm trying to be more active in my school life.

T: I have seen you becoming more social, but what brought this on?

S: It might make things easier when we finally make our relationship public.

T: That's great!

Kokomi got too excited and shouted that out loud.

Y: What's up, Kokomi? 

T: Oh, it's just that Saiki's drawing is very good.

Don't know if she's already supporting me or she panicked that she threw me under the bus.

K: Lemme see.

The usual group surrounded me and looked at the portrait I drew.

N: This looks amazing pal!

A: It looks just like Teruhashi.

The whole class got so curious of my portrait that they took it right out of my hands.

T: Looks like the portrait worked too well.

S: Should've expected that the art would overshadow the artist.

T: Even so, people would always ask about the artist.

H: Wow, that looks awesome, who drew that?

N: It was pal.

B1: It was Saiki-san?

G1: Didn't know he was good at drawing.

T: See.

While assuring me, Kokomi handed me her portrait and Chiyo glanced at it from behind me.

Y: Kokomi, your portrait of Kusuo looks great too!

T: It's not that much.

Chisato: Chiyo! Don't you want to see Saiki's sketch of Kokomi?

Y: Be right there!

When Chiyo left, I noticed that the drawing paper is smaller than usual.

S: Did u cut the paper?

T: It's folded.

I unfolded the paper to see the background of the sketch covered with flowers.

S: Couldn't restrain yourself?

T: It's not my fault that's how I see you.

Now every time we visit each other's rooms, there'll always be a framed portrait of Kokomi in my room, and the portrait of me in hers, right next to both of our beds.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now