Teruhashi Kanade

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POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

Today's another important day. 

I'm finally going to see my parents. 

It's strange that I can't remember them. At the earliest age where I can recall memories, they were already gone. The only thing I know about them is from what my brother has told me. But his answers weren't as clear as I wanted.


T: Oni-chan,

Makoto: What is it, my dear Kokomi?

T: What are our parents like?

My brother's usually joyful tone and gleeful smile falls apart from the question he's not ready for. He looks away from me in deep thought to give a proper answer.

M:...Mother is a...busy and famous person. Father's doing all he can to support her.

so we call them Mother and Father.

Back to Present, 

And that's all he can tell me. Shows that my brother doesn't know that much either. I think its fair to say that at least they have dark blue hair and blue eyes like me and my brother.

I walk down the stairs of my house to see my brother running around the house in an apron, rigorously cleaning the entire floor. He turns to see me watching him.

M: Oh, Kokomi, you're awake. 

T: Yeah, good morning, Oni-chan.

I turn to also see Kusuo standing in front of the door with his arms crossed. I pat his shoulder and greeted him.

T: Good morning, Kusuo.

S: Hm? Yeah, good morning.

T: Are you nervous?

S:...kinda. But for a different reason.

T: What is it?

S: I know who they are. The hard part is how I have to deal with her.

T: Her? Just my mother?

Before Kusuo can answer, I hear my brother turning off his vacuum cleaner. I turn around and ask,

T: Are you done cleaning?

M: No...she's here.

T: Did she call you-

Before I can finish, my brother ran to the air conditioner remote, pushed a button and suddenly all the windows and sliding doors were closed by a black screen. I didn't know we have that function.

T: Oni-chan, wouldn't it be too dark?

S: I wouldn't worry about that. 

We hear a vehicle outside, a car door open, and loud high heels walk on a stone floor. We couldn't hear anything else. Like all the other sounds stopped to wait their turn.

The door opens, to show a slender woman in a thin wool azure dress and golden high heels. Surprisingly, there are no rings, bracelets and necklace, just a pair of simple golden earrings, seen through her short dark blue hair that doesn't cover her ears. Her face,

Her round blue eyes and her slim face shape, untouched by any impurities, and untouched by any interference. No makeup, no surgeries,

The woman in front of me was beautiful, and that made me believe that she was my mother.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now