A Totally Surprising Reveal

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POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

I was walking by a coffee shop and hear a tapping on the glass. I turn to see Aiura Mikoto, greeting me and signalling me to come in. It was a weekend, so I had the spare time to spend with her.

Mikoto Aiura: Good to see ya, Kokomi!

T: Nice to see you, Mikoto.

M: Come on, sit, sit.

I accepted her offer and sat next to her.

M: What a coincidence to see you.

T: It sure is.

Mikoto looked at me for a while and asked,

M: Has anything changed?

T: Not really. Why do you ask?

M: You look great lately.

T: How so?

M: Your angelic aura has been bigger and bigger.

T: Has it? I wouldn't go that far.

I'm really not. Let me guess, you're still with that guy I theorised when we met at the restaurant?

Well, there's no point in denying it.

T: You can say that.

M: Wow, and you two are still together? That's amazing, that guy must be something else to maintain a relationship with you.

I think back to my memories with Kusuo.

T: He really is.

M: The only guy I can think of that is capable of such a thing is my dear Kusuo.

So she doesn't know. I don't want to, but I do think this is the best time to to tell her. Kusuo would never go out of his way to tell her unless he has to...like if he has to reject her confession. I couldn't imagine confessing to Kusuo only to find out that he was already taken for. Knowing that your love for someone can never be reciprocated, and to hear it from the person they liked, I wouldn't be able to handle it. 

T: Mikoto,

M: What is it, Kokomi?

T: About the guy I've been dating,

M: You're gonna tell me who it is? Come on, spill it!

She's looking at me with excitement, it's making me almost swallow my words. But I have to be the one to tell her. 

T: I've been dating Saiki Kusuo this whole time.

Her sparkling stare with an excited grin stays but feels so different. Like her body cannot catch up to the mental shock. The air of conversation between us stood still, like I'm the only one moving in suspended time. Her smile's the same but her eyes are different. The lively eyes from talking to a friend became empty, all of the positive emotions are drained out. I couldn't ask her if she was okay because I already know the answer. Her eyes relexed and she looked at the coffee she bought that she's holding with her two hands.

M:...I knew it.


M: I knew Kusuo was the only person capable enough to be in a relationship with you.

I couldn't respond. I don't have the heart to interrupt Mikoto's response from the news.

M: Well, know that I think about it, you're the only person that can match up to Kusuo's talents. You know about his powers too right?

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now