The Saiki Family

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

It was a normal weekend and I was in my room with Kokomi. A knock was heard on the door and it was my mom. I looked to her and Kokomi asked,

M: Sorry to intrude.

T: What is it, Mom?

M: Just dropping by to tell you that we're visiting your grandparents tomorrow.

S: Alright then.

T: Can I come?

M: Of course, they're actually looking forward to see you.

She was about to close the door but opens it back again.

M: Oh I almost forgot. I got another call that your brother is going to join us too.

When she closed the door, an uncomfortable silence entered the room.


Kokomi noticed that I wasn't fond of the news.

T: Do you still want to go?

S: Preferrably not.

Kokomi leaned closer to me.

T: But it'll make your grandparents sad.

S: I am aware. Well, as much as I don't want to, I feel like I have to.

T: That's nice.

S: I'm worried about what my brother would do if I'm not there.

T: Oh, that makes sense.

I turned to Kokomi.

S: You also want to go, do you?

T: Of course, I would love to spend more time with your grandparents.

S: I wouldn't want to drop you off to my grandparents' house.

T: Even though it's YOUR grandparents?

S: Plus, it would be better for us for you to be closer with my family.

Kokomi looks at me in the eyes out of curiousity.

T: How so?

S: You know, 

I pulled her close to me.

S:...for the long run.

Kokomi blushed and turned away from me. Havent seen her bashful face in a while.

T:...even your brother?

S: That would take some time.


GM: Welcome back! Kurumi! Kokomi!

My grandmother didn't hesitate to hug both Kokomi and Mom.

M: Glad to be here!

T: It's good to see you again, Kumi-san.

GM: Kumi-san? Come on, you've been part of the family for long enough, you can call me Grandmother.

T: Really?

GM: Of course. Or even better, you can even call me Kumi-chan!

I do not want to hear that.

GP: I don't know why you go out of your way to visit so often.

Let's see what he really thinks.

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