Romeo Kusuo and Juliet Kokomi

460 14 4

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Going along with Kokomi's play gave me more questions than answers. I checked that my character's name is Romeo Kusuo, even though the family names for the play are still similar to the original Romeo and Juliet. As soon as I wanted to talk to Kokomi about it,

T: Your and my name being included is a secret. Ok?

So Kokomi and I are the only ones aware of this. 

I was also heavily underinformed about the play itself. I do know who's playing who, but I do not know their lines and how different our play would be from Romeo and Juliet. I was mostly being left alone to remember my lines, even though Kokomi knows that I can remember everything from first glance. Maybe this is how Kokomi makes up for shoving me to being the main role. 

I was also confused on how I'm not told by Kokomi to practice acting. When I asked Kokomi about it again,

T: Oh, you don't need to act that much.

...What play did I get myself into?

When I was given my outfit, it was a dark brown doublet with a white cape, decorated with purple jewels. Did Romeo even have a cape? I don't even think he was this rich.

It wasn't easy walking past other classes on the way to the hall in a medieval costume without being followed by confused stares. Some stares are very hostile from those who heard of the casting choices of our play. When I made it to the hall, I am greeted by Aren wearing a headset microphone and a notepad. Looks like Aren is in charge with the background of the play, a pretty fitting role for him.

Aren: Kusuo, I heard from Teruhashi that we're doing the cast bow before the play.

S: Which is usually after the play?

A: Yes.

S: Does that mean that the curtains close as soon as the play ends.

A: Looks like it.

A different direction by Kokomi, I wonder why. Hours later, and almost all of the students, even the teachers and staff have gathered to see our class play. Didn't know a class play can have as much attendance as a school assembly. Akechi Touma casually walked up to stage to start up the play as the narrator and the announcer with the script. Kokomi heavily empathises that Akechi is only allowed to read from the script, and for good reason. 

Akechi: Good morning to everyone in the school,

It's surprising that greeting is accurate.

Ak: And welcome to Class 3-1's play of Romeo and Juliet. We will start with the introduction of the cast that is usually done at the end of the play, I was confused at this decision as introducing the cast at the end gives the audience gratefulness for the cast's efforts-

S: *Follow the script.*

Ak: *Right, sorry.* 

Ak: We begin with our male lead, Romeo himself, Saiki Kusuo.

I walked to the stage greeted with a few claps. Quite a lukewarm reaction for the lead of the play, but I'm aware that I'm not the main attraction. Akechi continued with introducing the cast,

Nurse: Yumehara Chiyo

Tybold: Mera Chisato

Venutio: Nendou Riki

Kaidou Laurence: Kaidou Shun

Count Marseille: Saiko Metori

Prince Hairo: Hairo Kineshi

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