A Gal's Acceptance

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

It was a normal school day, I was sitting at my desk only to be greeted by Aiura-san walking to me briskly, slams her hand on my desk and said,

Mikoto: Kusuo, meet me at the rooftop after school.

And she walked away. What was that about? The rooftop...the last time I went there was when Kokomi confessed to me. Don't tell me. I looked to Kokomi and oddly, there's no reaction from her. Usually, Kokomi would be worried for her since she knows she's about to be rejected. It sounds bad, but that's what I have to do. Did something happen between Kokomi and Aiura-san?

At the rooftop...

I went to the rooftop and see Aiura-san boldly standing in front of me.

S: What is it?

M: Kusuo,

She doesn't seem as nervous as Kokomi did.

M: I love you.

S:...I know, you've said that to me quite a few times

Those three words aren't surprising coming from her.

M: It's different this time!

She got mad at me.

M: Kusuo, be my boyfriend!

...Good grief, I know I have to break the news to her sooner or later, but it doesn't make it any easier.

S: I'm sorry Aiura...but-

S: I already have a girlfriend.

M: You already have a girlfriend.

I looked at her in surprise. Looks like she already knows.

S: How did you find out?

M: Kokomi told me.

Makes sense. That's why she wasn't worried about this interaction.

S:...Then why did you confess to me?

I might sound insensitive, but confessing to someone knowing that they're already taken is odd.

M: I just wanted to take it off of my chest.

Aiura took a deep breath before continuing.

M: You know, the love I had for you was real. That should've been the only reason why I'm still in this school. But I've found so many friends here, Chiyo, Chisato, Annoying-suka,

Her smile became wider and her eyes became more watery.

M: Even you and Kokomi. So I'm happy for you two.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly ran to me and hugged me.

S: Wha-

M: Please, just let me have this.

I was caught off guard, but I sighed it off and lightly hugged her back.

M: Kusuo, can we still be friends?

S:...of course. This doesn't change anything.

Aiura looked up to me.

S: We're both Psykickers after all.

Aiura let go of me and covered her face with her arm. I might have made her let go of those tears.

M: Damn it, you better be happy with Kokomi or I won't forgive you.

I just look to her with a relaxed smile.

S: I will.

As soon as Aiura looked at my response after wiping her first few tears, she ran to the door and left. I don't think I should go after her. I've done my part and I don't want to make it worse.

Guess I'll leave it to Kokomi.

POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

Why am I running to the rooftop?! She probably doesn't want to see the girlfriend of the person who rejected her. But I need to apologise to her for bragging about my relationship with Kusuo in front of her last time. I don't know when's the next time I'll even see her. Maybe she'll move away from school because she couldn't find her soulmate.

During my monologue, I collided with someone in front of the door to the rooftop.

T: Oh, sorry-

I look to see Mikoto on the floor in front of me.

T: Mikoto-

Mikoto immediately hugged me and she broke down crying.

T: Mikoto, what's wrong? Did Kusuo say something bad?

Mikoto could barely talk to me from crying.

M:...No, he was kind. I've never seen that side of him before. I hate him, I'm supposed to, but I can't.

Looks like I found Mikoto releasing all of her pent up emotions.

T: Mikoto, I'm sorry for last time-

Mikoto ignored my apology and looked at me.

M: Kokomi, can we still be friends?

T: Oh, of course Mikoto.

M:...thank you.

Mikoto went back to hugging me.

M: Thank you so much. I loved Kusuo, but I also love my friends here. I don't want that to change.

T: It's okay Mikoto, I'll always be your friend, so does everyone else.

I'm glad that Kusuo let her down slowly. I hope our friendship still stays the same after all of this.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now