The Unstoppable Tennis Duo

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H: SAIKI-SAN!!!!!!!!!!

Good grief, I can't live my life in peace. Ever since Kokomi and I went a bit overboard with our last tennis game, Hairo cannot stop pestering us to join the Tennis Club. Kokomi just entered the classroom and Hairo turned to her.

H: Teruhashi-san. please join the Tennis Club!

T: Sorry, I don't have the time.

And the good news is, Kokomi is on my side this time. I have asked her about clubs before.

T: Clubs? Last time I told people I haven't joined a club, a tournament happened so that the winner can have me join that club. But I didn't want anyone to be sad so I refused them all.

S: Surprised you still don't have a club after all of this time.

T:...well, seeing that you're also a member of the go home club, I didn't want to be lonely.

It's a new feeling to have Kokomi by my side. Usually Kokomi drags me around places.

H: But today is different. Our theme today is mixed doubles, and we would love to have you two become a model example for our club. I would only ask for Teruhashi-san, but since you two have a history, I think it would better if you two play together.

T: We have a history alright.

S: Nice aside.

Kokomi glanced to me.

T: It's not a bad idea.

I sighed. Can't go against Kokomi.

S: Fine.

T: Yay!

At the tennis court, our first game was against some unnamed student members of both boys and girls clubs. Kokomi and I looked at each other while we were getting ready. 

T: Good luck!

S: Same to you too.

She knows I don't need luck, but it's nice to hear those things. I figured our thoughts aren't needed for this game so I'll read the minds of our opponents.

Boy: I can't believe I get to play with Teruhashi-san, I'm going to flaunt about this till the day I die.

Girl: The captain of the boys said that it would be mixed doubles, but I don't see Teruhashi's partner.

They both squint and notice me at the back half of the court, I guess being Kokomi's partner makes you less noticeable.

B&G: Oh, it's just some bland guy.

Well that's what I'm going for.

T: I'll serve!

As she was about to serve, the boy was enamored.

B: Wow, her posture is so beautifu-

He couldn't finish his sentence as the ball sped and grazed his cheek. He touched his cheek and wondered,

B: Huh? Is this blood? 

T: That was a good warm up.

G: That was a warm up?!

S: It's weird coming from me, but you need to work on holding back.

In the middle of the game, the girl has tried multiple times to bring the ball to places further away from us, quite a cheeky playstyle. I have ignored and let them score a few points, until Kokomi turned around to look at me.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now