One Step Forward

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POV: Familiar 3rd Person

T: Thank you for reading Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year!

S: Thank you for reading Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year.

T: Oh? You joined me this time.

S: We've already done this before, I might as well get used to it.

T: Your passion is something to work on though.

S: That is not negotiable.

T: Anyway, this marks the end of the second season!

S: It's not the last?

T: Nope, there's still a part of our lives that we can show our readers!

S: We've graduated high school, does that mean our university lives are next?

T: No!

S: A passionate rebuttal. So if there was a third installment, what would it be about?

T: That's for us to know and for them to find out.

S:...alright then.

T: Let's hold off the future for now and talk about what we've been through! How long have the two seasons lasted?

S: 9 months.

T: It's actually amazing how long this series has gone on with consistent support from our readers.

S: It is surprising that we're still going strong.

T: So strong in fact, our first season has reached an amazing number of 1,300 VOTES!!!!!!!!!

S: It's impressive that we're at least one of the most loved stories of Teruhashi and Saiki fanfiction.

T: We are even brave enough to introduce two new important characters!

S: Weird to say that because they're your parents, but they are new characters that aren't canon to the original series.

T: And that's a good transition to the most important segment, which is you!

S: It's not me.

T: That's right, the readers! Its that time again where you're welcome to ask us, or even the writer anything about the story!

T: And to encourage them, we'll also ask our readers some questions for their input! Our first question isn't as important, but we are curious about,

What do the readers think about Kokomi's parents, Teruhashi Kanade and Teruhashi Tadao?

S: Why is that a question?

T: You said it yourself, they are the first important characters that aren't from the original series. So the reader's impression on them are especially important because they're not familiar with my parents.

S: I guess that makes sense, Urana the Fortune Teller hasn't appeared since the last season, but there is a possibility that all three will come back though.

T: To add on to our second question, we actually recieved a list from the writer.

S: What list is it?

T: A list of possible titles of all RidOne's future projects! Let's see what he's been planning to do!


1. "Settle Down (A Gintoki and Tsukuyo Fanfiction)" Original Series: Gintama

2: "The Competitive Couple (A Kagura and Okita Fanfiction)" Original Series: Gintama

3. "Gakuen Highschoolers (Gakuen Babysitters 10 years in the Future)" Original Series: Gakuen Babysitters 

Writer's note: If you want the cutest manga to ever exist, I highly recommened reading Gakuen Babysitters. It's one of my favourite manga to make me smile. There's also a 12 episode anime of it with the same name, which is a great introduction in the series.

4. "The Ogre and The Sword Queen (An Oga and Kunieda Fanfiction)" Original Series: Beelzebub

5. "The Ogre and The Demon Maid (An Oga and Hilda Fanfiction)" Original Series: Beelzebub

6. "Mob Saiki 100 (Saiki Kusuo in the Mob Psycho World)"

7. "My Psychic Academia (Saiki Kusuo in the My Hero Academia World)"

8. "We Finally Learnt Love (We Never Learn All Endings Fanfiction)"

9. "Shiraishi-san is Always in Love (A Tanaka and Shiraishi Fanfiction)" Original Series: Tanaka-kun is Always Listless

10. "The Fortune Teller's Bodyguard (A Saiki and Aiura Fanfiction)"

11. "An Angel and God under One Roof (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)"

S: I a good amount of them.

T: You are the writer's favourite character to write about after all. And who knows, maybe I'll be there too~

T: And with this list, we ask our second question to our readers!

Which of these future projects do you want to see being made?

S: I can imagine that this is an important question.

T: Of course, if the readers are interested on one of these projects, the writer would lean into making said project first. 

S: It'll probably take a long time to get an answer from them.

T: And that's a good transition to our next announcement, RidOne, writer of "A Mortal God Accepts The Perfect Girl's Love", and now, writer of "Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year", is taking another short break!

S: How long is it this time?

T: Two weeks!

S: A week longer than before.

T: According to the writer, making a new series or even a new season of Saiki and Teruhashi will be more difficult than before, since this is a new setting compared to the normal school setting. So to prevent burn-out once again, and take proper preparations for the next project, two weeks is an appropriate timespan for him to take a break.

S: I see.

T: And with that, that should be all from us. Thank you so much for enjoying our journey to this point. And I hope everyone will support the new project that comes out, or even continue to support Kusuo and I when we return. I love you all!

T: Come on Kusuo, tell our readers something.

S: ...

S: Thank you for supporting, reading and enjoying our story. 

T: That's good enough!

T: Bye-Bye!

S: Goodbye.


Hey everyone, this is RidOne. Thank you for reading and enjoying "Saiki and Terhuashi's Final School Year". I am indescribably grateful for the support between the two seasons. Sincerely, the number of votes and reads on the first season blew me away, and I am so happy that it's as well received as it is now. Don't worry, this season means just as much to me as I even took quite a brave step to add my own original characters into the mix. As you can see, I am as ambitious as ever to continue writing and I would deeply appreciate it if you guys answer the questions asked by Kokomi so I can be aware of my readers' interests and input. I'll see you in two weeks, and thank you for reading everyone, this was RidOne.

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