Snowball Fun

526 13 10

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Was looking forward to being in the comfort of my own home during the winter, but seeing multiple snowballs thrown to my window to get my attention, that hope was quickly gone. Each snowball thrown faster than the last. I took a peek outside,

"LETS PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And I see Nendou and Kaidou calling out to me like they're elementary schoolers. I would gladly ignore them, but seeing how persistent they can be, and quite a few eyes telling me otherwise, I guess I have to comply. I walk down the stairs and open the door, to be greeted by the doe-eyed duo.



They're excitement was stopped temporarily by a familiar face, standing next to me.

T: Good to see you, Nendou, Kaidou.

I didn't mention her? She has been a normal part of my life at this point. They look at us for a long second and broke out of their confusion.

N:....Oh, Teruhashi!

K: Didn't expect to see you with Saiki.

T: I've actually visited him very often nowadays.

N: Then you want to join us and pal in the snow?

K: What are you saying you idiot, we can't just invite her all of a sudden.

And they're okay with inviting me without asking first? I turn to Kokomi.

S: What do you think?

T: I'm not against a little fun.

N&K: Yay!

T: I'll go get changed.

S: Alright then.

Suddenly, I got a small headache,

T: Make sure to wear more layers since it's cold!

?: Okay!

What was that? I don't remember Kokomi saying that to me, and what was that voice of a child?

I was waiting at the door while waiting for Kokomi. It also gives me a reason to not deal with Nendou and Kaidou's antics. Kokomi finished changing and pulled my hand to drag me outside.

T: Let's go, Kusuo!

S: Alright alri-

While responding to her, I got another striking headache.

T: Let's go, dear.

I see a more grown adult Kokomi, and a small hand pulling mine to the snow, the child's appearance is still blurry to me.

?: Come on, Dad!


T: Are you okay, Kusuo?

S:...I'm fine.

T: Was it because I pulled you too hard?

I put my hand on her head and petted her.

S: Of course not, but thank you for worrying about me.

T: Yo-you're welcome.

N: Pal! Teruhashi! Let's build a snowman!

When we walked towards them, Kaidou had an idea.

K: Now that I think about it, it wouldn't be that fun if all 4 of us are doing things separately.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now