A Private Cruise

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(Writer's note: Sorry if it's a bit late, but this is a LONG chapter this time. And like I said last chapter, this chapter is going to be a bit spicy, just to let you know. And because of that, my next chapter might also be a bit late. Enjoy the chapter!)

N: Hey, pal!

Kaidou: Wanna go somewhere this weekend?


Aren: We can even make it a camping trip too.

Sounds fun.

N: It'll be so much fun, you should come with us.

I see, absolutely not.

?: That won't be necessary.

A commanding voice interrupts the three, it's Metori Saiko.

K: Oh, Saiko, what is it?

Metori Saiko: A quite casual way to address me, broke midget.

K: What did you say?!

A: Calm down, what do you want?

M: Well, my father just purchased a global cruise holding company in America, so to celebrate, I get to borrow full control over one of the cruise ships. If anything bad happened this time, who knows, I can even get part of the company as retribution. 

A: So you're here to brag about it? 

M: Of course not, why would I brag to broke people? I'm inviting my equal Kusuo.

...Wait what? 


N: Hey pal, can I come with you?

K&A: He beat us to it!

M: I don't mind bringing broke people that my equal invites.

I sighed from the sudden pressure being put on me. I looked to Aren and Kaidou that was still shocked. They both started to feign interest and looked away.

K: Well, if Saiki is willing to invite us, I don't mind accepting.

A: The cruise ship is probably huge, so it would be weird if there's only 3 people.

What 3rd person was he thinking of?

I looked at their attempt of indifference indifferently.

S: Do what you want.

All three of them glowed up in excitement. 

K: Aren! Let's go invite everyone else!

A: Sure thing!

N: I'll come with!

They really are doing what they want. Usually the one that's supposed to go can invite others. I looked to Saiko watching them leave. Saiko noticed and started a conversation.

M: What's wrong? Surprised that I'm just letting them come with?

Not saying I wasn't.

M: Father did tell me to work on spreading my influence. And a good way to start is with my equal's connections.

I raised an eyebrow in doubt. I don't believe he doesn't have any ulterior motives behind this. Saiko noticed again and continued.

M: I see you're still as sharp as ever. There's a reason I intended to only invite you.

I stayed quiet, indicating that I want him to continue.

M: I've seen your progression in your relationship with Teruhashi,

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