A Disastrous Graduation

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

Kokomi and I are sitting in front of everyone in the school hall because,

S: I did not expect you to be the valedictorian.

Kokomi is unashamedly happy from my accidental compliment.

T: Of course. I'm the perfect girl after all. You didn't notice how often I asked you to help me when we were preparing for the final exam?

S: I thought it was just because it was the last exam.

T: Since it's the last day of school, I will grace the entire school with my presence for the last time.

S: How generous of you.

Suddenly, Kokomi's phone rang after our conversation.

T: Hello?

Kokomi looks surprised after her greeting.

T: Kusuke?

? Why is my brother calling Kokomi?

Kokomi hands her phone to me.

T: He wants to talk to you.

S:...When did you share phone numbers with my brother?

T: Are you jealous?

S: Hardly. He doesn't even treat people like humans.

T: You would've been the same.

I put the phone to my ear and my brother immediately talks to me.

Kusuke: Good morning Kusuo! I knew you'd take quite some time to take the call since you were wondering when Kokomi and I shared phone numbers.

Glad to see his uncanny ability of knowing my personality hasn't changed.

What does he want?

K: You're probably curious on why I want to reach you. I actually wanted to congratulate you for your graduation so I prepared a surprise at the school field!

I immediately ended the call. My brother's a psychopath so there'll always be a catch if he even attempts to do something nice. I give Kokomi her phone back and I stood up from my seat.

T: Kusuo?

S: Sorry Kokomi. My brother's up to something again.

T: But the spee-

As soon as I leave, I hear the announcer,

"...Next, a speech from this year's valedictorian, Teruhashi Kokomi."

...He better have a good reason for dragging me out of Kokomi's speech. As I make it to the field, I see Kusukes heartless sinister smile next to a very big object covered by a tarp.

K: Kusuo! You're here!

Cut the nonsense, what is this about?

K: When I told them that I was your older brother, they just let me do whatever I want. You really made a name for yourself!

He's really testing my patience. Kusuke notices that he's annoying me and after slightly blushing, he finally talks about the object.

K: Remember when I said I wanted to congratulate you for your graduation? Even though you could've skipped multiple grades like I did and joined me in Cambridge. We would've had SO much fun together~

Keep me out of your weird fantasies.

K: And here's my act of love!

Kusuke pulls the tarp to show a giant torpedo with a black tip. I can't believe he brought an actual bomb to a school.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now