A Too Perfect Boyfriend

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

Kokomi and I are sitting on the dining table, facing a suspiciously joyful Saiki Kusuke, my mad scientist of an older brother. 

S: What do you want?

K: Don't be like that, maybe I'm just here to see my brother and his significant other. 

S: I don't believe that.

K: But you're not wrong that I have something to show you two. 

Kusuke reaches into his bag and pulls out a vial filled with pink liquid.

T: What's that?

K: Ever since I found out about Kusuo's relationship, I suddenly had an interest in a human's heart and feelings. 

S: Suddenly?

K: And I realise someone's heart and feelings can be as easily manipulated as anything else, it's all chemical reactions and hormones after all. But I'm still on the first stage. So I made an elixir that is capable of changing someone's form and body to someone's ideal image that they maintain eye contact with. And for this case, if Kusuo drinks this and maintains eye contact with Kokomi, Kusuo will transform in to Kokomi's ideal image of him. I call it, the Ideal Elixir.

S: And why am I involved?

K: The reason this is in it's first stage, it's because this elixir only works on someone that can already transform his body at will.

S:...so I'm the only person that can drink this.

K: You sure are.

S: Seeing how obviously targetted this is, I will gladly say no.

K: I know that you're going to say no, but don't you think there's another person that should be part of this discussion?

Kusuke's eyes darted to Kokomi sitting next to me. I turned my head to see Kokomi curiously looking at the vial Kusuke is still holding in front of us, slightly swirling it too to taunt me. Of course he's using Kokomi as a backup plan.

S: What do you think, Kokomi?

Kokomi was caught off guard since she didn't want to interrupt my conversation...or interrogation with my brother.

T:..................i'm curious.

S: You have an ideal image of me?

T:....................................you can say that.

K: Doesn't that make you curious, Kusuo? What her perfect Kusuo would look like?

...I hate being on the same page with him, but I don't see the harm in knowing.

K: Your hesitant silence is loud Kusuo.

He doesn't hear anything from me to begin with, how would he know that I'm silent? Knowing that he has the advantage, Kusuke slyly hands me the vial.

K: Don't worry, the elixir either works perfectly or your brain would start melting if you were a regular person, so you'll be fine. If the elixir works well, I can even make an upgraded one for normal people. 

I look at the vial and looked to Kokomi once more.

T: I think you can trust him.

An odd situation that Kokomi trusts him more than I do, didn't he kidnap her once? Despite my hesitation, I drank the elixir anyway. Suddenly, a pink mist start rapidly exiting my body through my mouth and ears, surrounding and convering my body.

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