Prove Yourself

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

As usual, I was minding my business in school. Kuboyasu approached me with a serious face. Well, how I see it anyway. A normal person would find it terrifying with his delinquent aura that he's not good at hiding.

Kuboyasu: Oi, Saiki.

Oi? Thought he stopped being a delinquent.

K: See me after school.

Really does sound threatening. Any of our classmates that heard him pretended that they did'nt hear. Fake, poorly done whistling and eyes darting away because they know Kuboyasu's past is the worst kept and obvious secret. As he walked away from my desk, Kokomi talked to me out of concern.

T: What happened, Kusuo? He looked pretty scary.

S: His words and appearance did not match his intent.

T: So are you going to be okay?

S: I'll be fine.

After school...

K: Yo, Saiki!

Now he chooses to sound friendly, he picked a very suspicious spot too, behind the school building. 

K: Sorry if I wasn't clear, haven't invited someone before, so I used my usual method.

That should not be a usual method. Why did he even call me here?

K: You're probably wondering why I brought you here.

Makes the conversation easier.

K: Saiki,

Must be an important question from the suspense.

K: Are you dating Teruhashi-san?

I widened my eyes in surprise. I didn't expect him to know without me telling him.

K: Surprised that I know? Saiki, you have to be aware that Teruhashi-san's charm covers everywhere,

K: Even the pits of the underworld.

Didn't think high school delinquents would know that much about the underworld.

K: Lately, people have been challenging me not even for me, but for a mysterious person that I'm supposed to know. Listen Saiki, I don't have to tell you that Teruhashi is special, but the underworld has specific rules involving Teruhashi-san, called the Goddess Policy.

...This is like the fan club all over again, but evidently more dangerous.

K: It has more details than any unspoken rule out there, but they're all centered around one thing, which is to never involve Teruhashi Kokomi. But something happened that challenged that policy, like something has happened to Teruhashi-san. So to avoid more problems, I did some digging around. The person that's supposedly the problem has pink hair and the scary part is, anyone that tries to go after him go missing.

So that's who they were. They kept following me and I know they're dangerous so I appropriately disposed of them. Didn't think they would be part of the underworld. 

K: Linking all of that together, you're the only candidate I can think of, I did notice that Teruhashi-san has been spending time with you more often, and I doubt that you would do something bad to her, so it's very much possible that you're dating her.

Do I deny it? Probably not, there's too much evidence pointed towards me. I didn't think even the underworld would be involved in this. I thought the fan club would be the end of organizations with an odd fixation for Kokomi...maybe that means I have to deal with underworld myself. 

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now